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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. No-one could possibly be offended, Fiz. I just think it's more helpful to use surnames in a public forum. I'm sure your affection and pleasure are widely shared!
  2. Terrific performance, and a full house at the Ritzy in Brixton, including quite a few children (dressed up as if going to the Opera House!). Nunez and Muntagirov: I nearly cried at the sheer brilliance of their dancing. O'Sullivan and Sambé both danced beautifully and acted with touching sincerity throughout the performance so you really felt invested in their journey. And yes, Gary Avis is just magnificent as Drosselmeyer - such authority and mystery and a total command of the stage. Fumi Kaneko was a lovely, gracious Rose Fairy. The whole company just seems to be flying at the moment. And wonderful to see Sir Peter Wright take a curtain call with such vigour and to such an enthusiastic reception!
  3. I found LJ's review interesting, and I can see the logic of what he says and in theory would agree with it, and with some of his criticisms of the work. But it's clearly not true that you 'can't' take the telegraph boy seriously, or that it's 'impossible' to take the afterlife scene seriously, because I (for one) could and did. I think that critics should be wary of making absolutist statements that imply that everyone responds in the same way to everything, or that everyone reacts in accordance with a theoretical position they have postulated. My requirements (for want of a better word) may be different from his, or those of others.
  4. Yes, it's quite a simple principle really... I think they've got some sort of program set up that overrides common sense and needs to be rewritten.
  5. Yes, it would make for a very long thread - maybe too long. It was just a thought.
  6. I just meant merging the two casting threads, not separating out any posts. But I realise that would be a big job too, so maybe impracticable now.
  7. Would it not be easier for everyone to have one RB casting thread for the year? It's difficult enough to know even for booking purposes which performances fall into which 'season', let alone remembering this months later. Comments would naturally move along chronologically as casts are announced (and then changed...).
  8. I rather liked having the separate amphi entrance, in fact. It was like having our own separate part of the theatre. (Though all the stairs would kill me now.) I only go for the auditorium and the performance and the grandeur of the rest of the building doesn't really matter to me. I like some of it but I don't feel at home there, as I used to in the old amphi.
  9. Oh dear! Maybe you could contact the ROH lost property dept? Unless you think someone actually took it. Hope your train arrives eventually!
  10. I think it would be excellent if the ROH saw your comments, Coated, before they complete their review of the new cast sheets. The ' customer services' contact on the website would get to someone relevant.
  11. You've really made me want to see this film!! Will try to catch it on 7th Dec.
  12. I think we need a new spoof (?) documentary series: WC2E.
  13. I used to buy one whenever there was a new work. I did buy one for the new Swan Lake, for obvious reasons, but that will be it for the foreseeable future.
  14. I haven't done this, but I did once turn up at the ROH, later than usual at about 7.20pm, and only then realise I should be at Sadler's Wells... 😮 😩
  15. And why would you do this if you don't know that to be the case in advance? Appalling.
  16. Well I did point out that the promotional blurb about the Linbury was pretty illegible in any light - that at least might make them reconsider the pale text on white background issue.
  17. I got exactly the same response, ninamargaret (see the New ROH thread). Let's hope the review results in changes.
  18. About the new cast sheets (which I think have been mentioned in this thread and another): I emailed Customer Services at the ROH about this and have received a reply to say that they have redesigned them to save paper and money and to fit in with their new brand. But they have received a small number of complaints relating to their legibility, and they are aware that in the context of the low lighting in the auditorium some audience members may find them less comfortable to read. They are therefore reviewing the new design and considering what course of action is appropriate. They also said that reducing the synopses is part of the redesign. I replied to the effect that this only needs to be done if it does save paper, which is rarely going to be the case; otherwise they are not saving paper, they are just short-changing their audience (and especially now that programmes are prohibitively expensive, cast sheets do need to be as helpful as possible).
  19. Then you wonder what security advice has been taken by the British Museum and a whole range of other large cultural venues in London. Or are they just naive too?
  20. I hope you make it, Mary! I'm sorry you've been ill. About Infra - maybe I misunderstood 'synopsis' (which implies that something happens). Knowing about the choreographer's ideas when creating an abstract work may be of interest but shouldn't be necessary in order to appreciate the work. I've no idea what Balanchine's thoughts were when he was creating Symphony in C; I'm just very glad that he created it.
  21. Could I just point out that the reviews of The US so far have been definitely mixed but certainly not entirely negative. There have actually been some quite positive comments from a range of reviewers.
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