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Everything posted by Peanut68

  1. Petalviolet - you are right, it is as useful to hear of no's as well as yes's (makes us all feel a little better about our own DC's no's!)....& even more useful to learn about doughnut etiquette in Chiswick!! Hillarious....who ever thought of cutting open to serve? Maybe he has watched too many Bake-offs & see's every day as the bake-off challenge section....gotta show Mary...sorry, the customer...how much jam/custard is inside!!
  2. I used to suffer from shin splints when training many many years ago. Ultra sound physio helped a little. But main issue was I always walked & danced very straight legged - minimal knee bending. Even now if I 'clip clop' along at a pace as I tend to do I can get pains again. I found that by really focussing on bending knees more - especially low & slow (think chewing gum) for take off & landing of jumps really helped prevent re-occurrences. It was also aggravated by very flat shoes - recommend a slight heel always & perhaps plenty of bounce in the sole for everyday wear. Rest when you can & I also found rolling the back of my wrist up & down the shin helped ease pain/release tension. Good luck! & bend ze knees!!!!!
  3. Gosh - I have so much to learn....never even heard of CDET so went to link & then their home site.....wow - all these schools/colleges I barely knew of! Am guessing this is mostly relevant for ages 16+?
  4. I understand Tring (probably for many sensible & obvious reasons) do not get directly involved with any arrangements for offsite living with host families etc. But it does happen so does anyone have any information about Hosts, typical costs & way it might work? Any information - the sooner the better - will be much appreciated as options are looked into! Thank you
  5. Sorry to ask, but what does CAT stand for?
  6. Well. in the nicest possible way I really hope that the call to such stardom happens & dreams come true all round !
  7. I imagine if you have this opportunity you pay your money & they most definitely go.....cannot imagine anything that would make my daughter change her mind if she had a place though I guess there can always be unforeseen things (especially if coming from abroad perhaps). Don't like the thought of anyone having the disappointment of not taking up their place but......my DD would so love to - even if only ever once in her life - have that golden moment of going to the Royal Ballet School! So, still fingers crossed!
  8. But at least it is slightly classier than much of what is pushed out in the name of 'variety' & I think the educational intros will actually benefit those interested to give it a go. I think many with an interest in one of the dance genres featured (in my case ballet predominantly) will watch all & may just learn a new appreciation for something out of their comfort zone - I did watching the hip hop/street episode! It is a step in the right direction......wouldn't it be lovely it ratings encourage the BBC & others to feature more dance & maybe even televise some of the high brow professional competitions such as the Prix de Lausanne in future years!
  9. Talking about the filming....I saw the hip-hop section (need to catch up on iPlayer) & was frustrated at how they zoomed in so much. We missed a lot of intricate footwork I think & also could not appreciate the bodyline & movement about the stage which was important to gain a sense of the pieces. Also, whilst amazing to see some of the wonderful acting skills & facial expressions (esp. from the outstanding 'crumper' - boy, that was new to me!) I felt this perhaps gave us an extra dimension to what the judges were seeing from 'the best seats in the house' & may lead us to question their judging & choice of winner.....I wish they could just plonk a camera in that best top price seat whenever they film dance....they do seem to have limited close-ups in recent RBS live screenings & I truly do get the sensation of sitting in Covent Garden - a rare once every 10 years perhaps treat......Once I have closed my ears to the popcorn munching that is!!
  10. Hello again....just wondering if anyone here has heard if any re-available places having been offered to waiting listers for White Lodge Summer School? Been a couple more weeks since last I enquired so just curious (as well as hoping my DD could get that dream email!!)
  11. Thanks for updating us all.....I wish all with places every success & enjoyment!
  12. Gaynor Minden tights come in at least 2 shades...there is a corally pink & another more pastel....might be worth testing on back of hand to see if one suits better than other - they are nice & stretchy, wash well & last better than many which helps offset the fact that they are quite expensive....tip, as a short adult I buy large childrens rather than adult small....cheaper & VAT free!
  13. Nor me...might these recent offers (& congrats to all!) free up any places at Tring/Hammond I wonder???
  14. I do wonder now if ballet is deemed more of a sport than an art.....perhaps funding now should be from the sports budget than from culture & arts....I suspect there would be more funded places to train children vocationally then!
  15. That symbol was meant to be a 'b)' - still no idea how this predictive stuff kicks in....mind you I am pretty much a technophobe!
  16. Hello - hope you do not mind be joining this one....my DC currently boarding at Tring but to enable them to remain we may need to see if we can reduce costs significantly. I would be really interested to know a) what age Tring Students any host families might take on would it generally be weekly boarding or follow regular school set up with exeats etc & c) how much If anyone can shed any light - even guessitmates on price - it would be really helpful. Thank you!
  17. Melody - you put very well my own thought so this! I think you almost see so many identikit kids in class.....perfect turn out, perfect technique....but will any of their Romeo & Juliet performances make you cry down the line I wonder?
  18. DD thrilled she will get to experience Elmhurst at SS. As it's a good 4-5 hour drive have booked the Hagley Road Premier Inn for the Tues night - it is close by if driving (& cheaper as has on site parking). I booked & got a good rate by paying now.
  19. Wondering if any on the waiting list have had the call up yet for these re-available places? My DD thrilled to get Elmhurst SS which is at end of Summer Hols.....if she were to get that magic place at RBS course at the start of Summer too that would make her so happy & be such a much needed confidence boost too!
  20. Not sure if anyone has already suggested this..... another way to help keep the heels of ballet shoes in place is to use a blast of strong hairspray direct to back of heel when wearing tights (spray holding can/bottle about 4 inch away from foot). I used to find this really helped create a temporary 'bond' between tight & shoe & kept them in place without extra sewing (or as additional reassurance after sewing on elastic) I should add - maybe try sitting at home in tights with heels sprayed first just to check there is no adverse irritation/skin allergy to the spray before trying for a dance session!
  21. Well - I was second to back row of second circle with my daughter - her first time to see such world class performers live - & it was so well worth the £25 ticket price! A stunning night & for such a good cause. Testament to the high esteem that Anne Maguire was held in that such a worthy Foundation & such an amazing fundraiser can have been established in so short a time after the terribly sad loss of this lady. What strength & what amazing vision from Emma Maguire & all other family, friends & supporters.I very much hope to support future events as I am sure this will be repeated. There was such love of dance & music emanating from the stage & auditorium alike - truly inspirational. Thank you.
  22. Try movedancewear.com - I got a pair for my daughter early December when out of stock everywhere else. Not her first choice colour but the ballet pink & she is happy with them. You could also try Dancing Boutique in Tunbridge Wells - shop & on web....they supply a lot of the vocational schools.
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