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Everything posted by Peanut68

  1. Has any one else 40+ ever been brave (or just plain foolish) enough to use the communal changing room in Primark? I have to say the open looks of horror & the giggles were awful....wish I'd been able to just hold my head high (or better still - looked great in the same clothes they were trying....but enough of fantasy.... I promise I had picked only the frumpiest offerings to try on!). I have learned the thing to do is pick up items in 2 sizes & 2 colours - take home to try on & decide then return what's no good! Guess it got me thinking how I behaved to 'old dears' when I was young & (I like to think!!) gorgeous!!!
  2. My just turned 10 year old son is seriously planning to be a top rugby player (& at 5'3" seems built for it!) but has also just done RAD Grade 2 ballet & intends to keep up dancing alongside rugby as he knows it gives him strength, suppleness, great jumping, speed, co-ordination & balance - key skills needed for both of these sports! Good to see clips like this - thank you!
  3. I think you mentioning morals & principles is really key - there are always some in all walks of life who seem not to share the general accepted standards. & sadly they often 'get away with it' as those who suffer from this do not want to make a fuss or be tagged as a snitch or trouble maker. I do think though schools need to make it very clear what will & will not be tolerated & also kids & parents need to know how to & to whom to communicate about such issues & just what the procedures that will be followed are. Good luck with resolving any troubles for your DD - stay strong! I am a believer in what goes around comes around....we can move away from a nasty individual...they will always have to live with themselves & the knowledge of what they have done....I do believe that everyone does have the same moral understanding, just not always the same manners.....but deep down, they will know they have done wrong & quite probably will suffer inwardly for it long after we have all moved onwards & upwards!
  4. Bullying in any situation is awful....a stop needs to be put to this as otherwise she will continue to be damaging to others & will also be a very damaged individual in the long-term. My DD's time at a Voc school was completely ruined by a manipulative & nasty child. Her behaviour included doing /saying mean things then accusing my DD & others od doing just the thing she had done....& she seemed always to be believed by staff! Whilst no proof, I undoubtedly believe it was her who left a very sharp map pin under the duvet on my DD's bed - the steel pin pointing up right where one would sit down....I was only glad that I found it whilst placing a teddy in her bed rather than my DD finding it - either by sitting on it/finding it in her bed & any resultant injury that could have happened. Or even if no physical injury occurred I do think this sort of thing is what could cause mental scars & trust issues. The Houseparents frankly were inadequate in my opinion - suggesting it 'must have blown there'....what? Under a duvet???? & there was no board & no pins in the vicinity of DC's area.....but the nasty kid in Q had a board & map pins in hers...hmmm. I requested my DD was not told as I did not want to traumatize her...frankly, I did agonize about whether I should even leave her there that night or ever again.... A meeting was apparently had with the dorm (excluding my DD) telling them that a pin was found in a bed & letting them know that a parent was worried it might have been a deliberate act but really I think they should've gone in hard line to try & get a confession from the culprit (pin just blew there....& the duvet blew over the top of it.....yeh, right) Kids should be in fear of being chucked out of any school for such bullying behaviour/assault as my DC & yours have suffered. I would like to add that this child in question even continued after my DC left the school by extending into social media bullying. My DC like yours received backing from others - former schoolmates posted comments saying how mean it was of this girl. My DC swiftly 'blocked' her & I think wised up quickly to the dangers of stupid online tagging. I wrote a hundred letters to her parents in my head, but life is too short to waste time on these pitiful non-entities. I only hope she one day realises just how mean & cruel she was & hope that that moment has already come & her current dorm mates (if she is still at voc school) are not similarly suffering. DD left that school without a backward glance....& is now extremely happy elsewhere. No - that was me ranting as have never got it off my chest before! Apologies all! I think the way a school - whether full time or part time - deal with these issues of bullying is key....you must go to the teacher. She must deal with it to YOUR satisfaction. Good luck!
  5. DC given a terrifying verbal verdict from a (non dance specialist) Podiatrist - "oh well, if you've got this then forget ever thinking about being a dancer long term". NOT very helpful. However, actual physical advice was much more helpful; rolling on frozen filled plastic small coke bottle (shape esp good) + spikey foot massage balls & taping up with special tape in certain way which kind of 'cradled the foot & heel' which seemed to hold foot & train body into better positioning to reduce pronation (rolling). After a short period of this it improved dramatically & you can even see much better arch raise in regular standing/walking since - corrected bad gait/stance habit. Occasional minor flair ups since - have noticed these seem to coincide with growth spurts. I do think some GP/medical advice can be less than helpful when they do not know of or understand the specifics of dance training. Also, the mental damage they can inflict when they say 'give up' try another sport' etc.is quite soul destroying. I think many do not differentiate from a regular kid doing an activity once a week to DC's who lets face it are full-on training athletes!
  6. The Mexican Flea Wedding Couple (!!) were a big hit with the waiting younger brother back in regular visits to Tring days!!
  7. Not Bournemouth but not too far away....Ranger School of Dance in Swanage. Open Adult Class Tuesdays 9.30am & RAD Major Grades Wed from 6pm attended by many of us 'adults'. Have pm'd also
  8. We were in the same boat on this one & it really caused family upset as we kept that week free just in case the hallowed call from RBS came to say that there was a space. DH really wanted to use that week for the family holiday.& maybe we should've done....We did have luck getting selected for Elmhurst SS which being near the end of school hols didn't seem to clash with other SS options as much though at 3 days was really too short IMO. It looks as though they give majority of places to Foreign Applicants (it is an international SS after all) but I imagine that the wait list is most likely comprised of British based as logistically they would be most likely able to take up any last minute spaces not having the headache of needing to arrange visas/flights etc. Have thought the thing to do is to apply for foreign courses for DC but sadly do not think funds or happy family support available for this! Will dutifully fill in form & hand over the £20 again this year though....!
  9. Are you saying by this that the no doubt well meaning regular visits from family & trips home made it harder to settle for that DC? From personal experience, I think this is likely - it also makes it harder for those who live very far from home (or even overseas) who cannot have these visits & go home. Cruel comments don't help. AT DC's school last year one particularly insensitive child (who went home every w/e & who was taken out for supper midweek every week also....why board????) said to my very young DC "well your parent's can't love you very much or they would visit you too" My blood boils just remembering the trauma we had over the phone from that one.....When I asked what my DC responded I am proud to say they stayed strong & truthful "My parents love me very much - that's why I am here. & I love them very much too & know that it costs them a lot of money for me to be here so they can not spend anymore to make extra visits" This does not mean of course that it didn't affect them inwardly which was then no doubt reflected in behaviour & settling in.....In my experience (now of 2 voc boarding schools) I think the less contact home the better & I think it would actually help all the kids & rest of their family members if visits were restricted to the expected exeats/term ends & when shows/events are on. Maybe sounds harsh, but less is really more - the time allows better settling in without being reminded maybe of what they are missing which can make them confused about what they want & where they want to be. Good luck to all Dancing Families!!
  10. I think this is a really good point to raise...I always feel dreadful straight after the clocks go back & sense a lack of interest in doing things from my kids too...this mujst come through when they are at voc school too...If you come from a part of the world without this extreme daylight reduction it could be affecting your DD & if a new sensation, could manifest in thinking .other things are bad. The eating issue is of course one to really keep abreast of - good luck.
  11. I kept thinkng that there was this one kid called DD (Dede / Dedee ....US girls name) & boy was she busy on this & other show is forums!!
  12. Wow - they do sound amazing....just wonder about the cost for a child!! Can they be remoulded to adapt with growing feet or is it a case of buying again? If the evidence really supports their use, maybe a link with the vocational schools could be made to offer discounts/onsite fittings etc....
  13. or you could read that backwards....ie. wtf are we all doing spending so much of our lives on this mad panic
  14. I too have found the Capezio leather full sole flats great. Leather as soft & comfortable as canvas but certainly more durable You need to look for the ones marked N (for narrow). Many stockists (such as Dance Direct a couple of years back when last I checked so do re-check in case they have changed)) only have one width - Medium - so you need to quiz them as quite a difference in fit between the M & N widths. I think I last bought the N ones via Jems Partyware via a link from Amazon. Good price & prompt mail order. Lots of chats to ensure correct size as Capezio frustratingly sometimes mark the sizes UK & sometimes in US sizes (so that size 4 may actually be a US 4 & thus a UK 2!) Apologies if I have just added more confusion to this thread!
  15. Oh - thanks Piccolo - you are right,I do not seem to know how to 'quote' or select a comment I wish to reply to correctly!....any tips?. Yes, did wonder about the distance for the Sunday dates, but just not really doable. Time & financially exhausting but good luck to all those able to attend & enjoy the classes!
  16. They are not in our half term sadly!! Seems we are destined to miss out on anything RBS again!
  17. Another way of looking at the audition process is that (mostly) each one is a great class & good experience to work with like minded serious dancers in a wonderful studio with live music & a top teacher. Viewing it kind of as a masterclass makes the economics easier to swallow too! At RBS audition, in the intro speech they said that whilst spaces are always limited they welcome everyone to come back & try again.....ok, the cynics might say of course they do - at £45 a pop, it's a good earner for them. But again, whilst unsuccessful my DD enjoyed the JA & the MA/WL auditions she attended. Also - if the main aim is for Upper Schools, still might be good to in advance experience the audition process & make them more able to cope with the 'atmosphere' & pressure when it is more time critical to them. Good luck!
  18. We have the same life.....DD all ballet (off to Voc school in a few hours!) & son (he is a DS too..though sense that may sadly fizzle out) is getting far too into Rugby for my liking!! I prefer the afternoon cake opportunities to the Sunday am sausage sarnies!!
  19. We are Tuesday too....& half of DD's uniform is still to arrive as are the nametags!....fingers crossed all in tomorrows post.....All my fault being a last minute Lil!
  20. Hi Have various items of Tring Uniform to sell second hand. All good condition. All offers considered....Will fit c.age 9-11. Please send me a message for more info/photos. Blazer size 30" (says girls on label but they seem to actually be unisex) Tracksuit Top Jumpers x 2 Cardigan Long Sleeve Blouse Short Sleeve Blouses x 2 Pinafore (worn by Preps 1-3) Prep Ballet Leotard Turquoise x 2 (they always wear substantial undergarments beneath so feel it is appropriate to have second hand!) Prep Modern/Tap Unitard Thank you
  21. I like this! my daughter was lucky to have the mother of a friend (with a DS at RBS) regularly send her cards with news of old dance school etc. Post form others means so much to them, so come on Aunts & Uncles, Granny & Grandads, friends - put pen to paper & help us parents with the Homesick Prevention strategies!! Good luck to all....I have had invaluable support via Forum to so thank you!
  22. Wondering if you got my last message so have PM's you again! Happy to help if you still need a blazer - if not, if anyone else needs some Tring Uniform, I have some items to sell second hand.... Possibly Blazer size 30" 2 x Jumpers size 30" Cardigan size 30" Prep Pinafore size c.age 10 Long Sleeve Blouse size 28" 2 x Short Sleeve Blouses size 28" Any offers, just PM me!
  23. Hi - I too have a Tring Blazer for sale - I think size 30" but will check tomorrow if you are still looking for one. It says in Label it is girls though for life of me I cannot see any difference as it is quite a boxy shape rather than fitted. Bought second hand but in excellent condition; I think my daughter wore it only twice in the year she was at Tring!
  24. It all sounds like SS attendees have had a great time - & judging by the comments of how international the mix is, am very proud my DD made it even to the wait list....here's hoping she gets to fulfil her RBS dream one year in some way!
  25. Should add - well done to all those at WLSS & hope you have had/are having an amazing time! x
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