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Everything posted by Sophoife

  1. He was Monsieur GM in my first Manon in July 1974, and Don Quixote for me in June 1994. I remember him coming out of stage door with a little dog like a true diva and being delighted to be asked to sign that Manon programme 20 years later.
  2. Interesting. The RB can already tell people Kevin Jackson is out, his own company still telling the world he's dancing Spartacus on Wednesday and Saturday this coming week. RB wins in this case 😉
  3. Thanks Sim, sadly finances and work commitments dictated foregoing Spartacus in Sydney in favour of Cinderella (also in Sydney) with Alexander Campbell and Leanne Stojmenov who I love and whose retirement show it will be. I will have to catch Spartacus on its next run, whenever that may be.
  4. Welcome to casting announcements à la The Australian Ballet. Allegedly they are up on the website a week before opening night. I have known them not to go up until after opening night. As for cast changes, the current season of Spartacus is still showing the original casting, with no acknowledgement at all that Kevin Jackson not only didn't dance opening night, replaced by Jarryd Madden, but that Jackson is out of the whole run. Disrespectful to him, but far more disrespectful to Madden!
  5. Goodness he will find the McGregor style very different from the Ashton! Imagine him trying to do the Fred Step for Wayne: "No, no, no! More...earthy!" 😉
  6. Thanks indeed @squadron, Tim Harbour's work always interests me. This sounds like something I would enjoy seeing - and thank you for posting the music link on your (?) blog. If I can hear the music I can visualise a review so much better! Tim does often use interesting music - for Filigree and Shadow for TAB he collaborated with 48 Nord, for Sweedeedee he and Chong Lim put together score that used live blues singers (and players!) in the pit, which really told a story when I was able to read the lyrics of the songs used. Tim's wife Madeleine Eastoe was one of TAB's most well-loved ballerinas until her retirement in 2015, and unlike some others, we are lucky to have several of her performances recorded on DVD.
  7. The short piece I read about Peregrine recently (on the Sadler's Wells site) says he's now 21, and that if you see a professional Fille in the UK, odds are it's him. So he's just been in Belfast with BRB even, therefore unavailable as a mount for Solor. My fave was the BRB pony cam https://www.brb.org.uk/post/presenting-pony-cam of a stage call ..
  8. Yes indeed but much less to learn as SPF Cavalier isn't exactly dancing for a roolly roolly long time 😉
  9. We must have crossed wires, Jan 😀 AC is dancing the Prince in Ratmansky's Cinderella, not any version of Nutcracker.
  10. Kevin Jackson had cortisone in mid-October per his Instagram, but was unable to dance the opening night of Spartacus as scheduled on 9 November. However, I'm looking on the positive side that this unscheduled longer than planned break from performing will give him the chance to properly heal up. As regards partnering, aren't professionals at Principal level frequently expected to rehearse then perform a pas de deux with new partners in a couple of days? I know Alexander Campbell is coming here for longer but he has a whole ballet to learn that isn't in the Royal's rep, whereas Peter Wright's Nutcracker is in TAB's rep and it's basically one piece.
  11. Just an FYI: Kevin Jackson is out of the current run of Spartacus in Sydney with an ankle problem. Here's hoping he is fully recovered and travels to London.
  12. And I was sure Greg Horsman's Bayadère for Queensland, West Australian and Winnipeg Ballets was set in the British Raj and the Solor part was a European so an example of a European smoking opium. Nope, oops, he's the son of the Maharajah of Cooch Behar, who's in love with fellow Indian the temple dancer Nikiya, but whose father has agreed a treaty with the East India Company that betrothes Solor to...the British Governor-General's daughter Edith. That's even less likely than that low-caste Solor is rewarded with the hand of the Rajah's daughter Gamzatti, as in Stanton Welch's version! Golly I think I'm going to stick with Makarova!
  13. I do hope this is okay: Jeanette Kakareka (Lily leotard) and Xander Parish (Will Plié For Pizza hoodie) wearing Cloud and Victory, ethical balletwear from Singapore. Min and her squad post to anywhere, beautifully wrapped. I bought the hoodie and a leotard each for two of my nieces and now half their dance school has the hoodie! They have gorgeous ombré rehearsal skirts in two lengths, as seen on La Nuñez 😉 I found them via Min's very funny repurposed (captioned) ballet videos and photos...and a mutual love of The Abs of Roberto.
  14. @jmb perhaps we should offer the Europeans a compare-and-contrast with the Stanton Welch version TAB did a couple of years ago? 😂
  15. Incidentally, 6 ladies classified in the quadrilles and sujets, only Scudamore in the coryphées. No majority opinion on any of the others! Wow.
  16. Tzu-Chao is our (Aussie-trained) pocket rocket as Jan McNulty so rightly says. And almost as sweet in person as I hear Peregrine the pony is! 😉 He sent a string of BRB dancers down to sign my nieces' programmes in Cheltenham last year.
  17. And the Australian dates (Village Cinemas) for the above are: 11 & 14 November: Mayerling 9 & 12 December: La Bayadère 22-24 December: The Nutcracker 7 & 10 April: Don Quixote 30 June/3 July: Flight Pattern mixed bill 29 & 31 July: Romeo and Juliet Paris and Russia are restricted to capital cities unfortunately.
  18. Well what an experience! Village Cinema Albury advertised it on their website only plus one newspaper ad, had no cast sheets, and called it the Royal Ballet instead of Mayerling, as in when I asked for a ticket for Mayerling they looked blank. There were 12 of us, one person under 50 (that's not me btw). Darcey keeps saying "wiv" which is very distracting, and wanting to tell us about her Mitzi. The stage looks very dark - I don't remember it quite that dark? And the whole-stage images were at a funny angle - looked like the stage sloped down from the front to the rear! Director's choice of close-ups is never going to please everyone, certainly not me. McRae was better than I'd feared, certainly in the third act. Lamb was really very good, as was McNally - in fact she was wonderful. Standout for me was Morera as Larisch. Magri as Mitzi was also pretty good. Wish the second interval coaching had gone on for longer. I took a large pile of flyers for the rest of the season and will personally deliver them to dance schools in the area as we must encourage the cinema chain to keep showing these events, and bums on seats is all they understand. PS why Kish as Bay Middleton? Is Kish not dancing principal roles any more??
  19. Thanks all, Vanartus I was hoping you might have seen Juliet, one of "my" dancers. Her last role with Australian Ballet was Maina Gielgud's Giselle, and I was stuck in an airport lounge at a country airport waiting for a plane to be repaired, only finally getting to Sydney as the curtain went up on the evening performance (Stella Abrera guesting). When Juliet then resigned I was even more devastated at how I'd spent my day. I've given up flying the same day as a performance. Sydney is eight hours away by train and about the same if I'm driving (I have to stop and stretch!!), so no viable alternative to a delayed plane. Twice I have had to get changed in the back of an Uber en route from the airport to the Opera House, with a plane due to leave Albury at 1pm not leaving until nearly 6pm.
  20. Competition experience (which POB School dancers don't get)...Bianca Scudamore deservedly following in the rapid promotion footsteps of Sae-Eun Park and Hannah O'Neill, and yes huge yays for Héloïse Bourdon, who like Mathilde Froustey in years gone by, doesn't have that under her belt and until now it's been her stumbling block. Incidentally the full male results were: Premier Danseur : Marc Moreau Sujet : Axel Magliano Antoine Kirscher Coryphée : Léo de Busserolles Andréa Sarri and Chun Win Lam has had a year or more off with injury so well done to him, classed third.
  21. RobR it's the screen or gauze or whatever in front on which the projections of the clouds and the earthquake appear. It seems from comments to be much more visible from some parts of the auditorium than from others.
  22. These are the results of the men's concours which was held yesterday. There were two positions as coryphée, two as sujet, and one as premier danseur available. Interestingly, one of the more senior competitors, Marc Moreau, was chosen for premier danseur ahead of younger colleagues, whereas those promoted to coryphée and sujet are definitely in the younger brigade. The ladies are competing today and there are two positions as coryphée, one as sujet, and two as première danseuse available.
  23. Can't quite believe it but it turns out my local cinema is saving me a 7-hour round trip to watch Mayerling. Have rounded up as many as possible to come with me or meet me there in order to reassure the cinema peeps that there is a market for it! As I didn't see Steven McRae as Rudolf last year, I am interested although would've happily seen Matthew Ball or Ryoichi Hirano - but would really have loved to have seen Bonelli and Morera or Soares and Cuthbertson again ..
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