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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. Wow what an opportunity to celebrate our leading four schools ballet training. The schools involved will be The Royal, ENB, Central and Elmhurst. I would love to go and see this event, regardless if my child is chosen or not, fantastic.

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  2. Thank you for the advice everyone. She is going to see the physio about it tomorrow as it is very sore. She is also going to ask her teacher to have a look at the lift just to check they are both doing it properly.

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  3. Shivering at the thought of putting an ice pack on ribs. Along with the big blisters, sore legs and feet and now ribs, why would anyone want to be a dancer? My daughter loves ballet even more.

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  4. I don't know spanner as our decision was made. I think the idea is, if there are enough students interested in a certain subject, then they will do their best to get someone in to teach it?

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  5. Is it quite common to get a sore rib after pas de deux? At the moment the students are doing a lot of pas de deux, just wanted to know is sore ribs just part of a dancers life and if so what should they do to stop the pain. Someone said icing it is not good because of internal organs????

  6. There are students who do A levels at Central. My daughter chose not to as she wanted to focus soley on her dancing. She will gain a B A honours after her three years there though. If she had of chosen to do her A levels it would have been maths and physics which are her favourite subjects. However to follow a syllabus in them subjects would have been too much on top of a full days training and assignments for the degree.

  7. Hi double trouble no my daughter has another year to go, so she wasn't in ballet central. As I said earlier though on this topic, for central all student will be in at least one piece. However it is the worst time of year, because they just don't know for sure if they are going to be in what piece. I'm not moaning, I'm just saying that is just the way it is. It does however make the students by second year stronger. Oh and it's not the same girls or boys all the time , because some are more classical and others are more contemporary. As for jazz some are brilliant and others are average. Good luck to anyone who wants to confront a school though, far braver than I would ever be, on top of that my daughter would kill me.

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  8. No I can honestly say for sure the girl that gets the most parts is incredibly talented and she is also lovely with it. Infact my daughters year is a lovely year but also a very very strong year. Two of the Japanese girls are outstanding.

  9. If your daughter is at Central you will at least see her perform in one piece. I have bought tickets for all nights, but my daughter doesn't know for definate what pieces she will be in, what nights etc, she will be in it, but no one knows for definate until the final run up to the show. However everyone is working and rehearsing, if they are not neede then they work on the sides. If they show that they are always working they may get chosen. It is tough and hard to deal with this in the first year, soul destroying even. Come second year they seem more prepared.

  10. If your daughter is at Central you will at least see her perform in one piece. I have bought tickets for all nights, but my daughter doesn't know for definate what pieces she will be in, what nights etc, she will be in it, but no one knows for definate until the final run up to the show. However everyone is working and rehearsing, if they are not neede then they work on the sides. If they show that they are always working they may get chosen. It is tough and hard to deal with this in the first year, soul destroying even. Come second year they seem more prepared.

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  11. What age are we talking about. In my daughters school 16 upwards, if a choreographer doesn't choose you then sadly that's just the way it is. There will be a piece where everyone is used. It's horrible but it will be worse when they eventually go for professional auditions I suppose.

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