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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. I believe summer school candidates can audition for the Royal Ballet summer school on Wednesday, does this normally happen at this SS. My daughter won't be auditioning as she will be going into her final year. I wonder if this is more for the over seas students?

  2. I agree with Anjuli. The repetition of movements, and a lot is done on Demi point is so unnatural for the body. My daughter gets sore tendons and feet. Dancers work and train long hours using these muscles, tendons, joints constantly. That is why good teaching and training is crucial.

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  3. I would go for earlier. It seems for some schools more student at earlier auditions get a call back. For later auditions they may not want to see as many for call back as they will already have a large number of candidates to see? In the end it won't matter because schools will eventually select the right students for their schools.

  4. But in normal industry people can be head hunted. My husband has been head hunted a few times, simply because he was known to be exclent at his job. Discrimination on merit is just good recruitment. In my line of work if I need a position filling and I hear of a candidate who has all the right skills and is passionate about their work, I won't even advertise, I will take the right person for that position.

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  5. Rehearsals start quite late in the year compared to my daughters previous schools. In the first two years each teacher will chereograph their own pieces. First and second years have their own teachers per subject. All student are in the contemporary piece in their own year, and there will be two casts. Regarding ballet for the last two years 2013 and 2014 there has been two casts again, so I think all student are used again but this is not guaranteed. Spanish in first year only selected students and for jazz in secon year again two casts and nearly all students. None of the students are sure if they are in a piece until near the production. I think rehearsals start after Easter but don't forget Central only have two years to choreograph for and grads already have their pieces organised. Starting rehearsal later means full training can continue at it's full level.

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  6. I once again watched Centrals show. All I can say is they are all very well trained, technically and professionally. The graduates are all very strong and work so hard. It just makes me so sad to see them having to fight tooth an nail for a half decent job. I am sure graduates from all the vocational schools are in the same boat. The commitment from the Central staff toward their students is 100 per cent. Any students starting at Central in September, just be proud of yourselves because you are about to receive excellent training.

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  7. No Linm, gymnastics is part of the training at the Bolsio ballet academy. When my daughter went to Prague International SS last year she said most of the amazing semi professionals there had all had gymnastic training, and she wishes that she had done more of it.

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  8. It appears your daughter is getting good training up to now for her ballet , that coupled with associate programmes and good summer schools will be hugely benificial. As I said earlier vocational schools do not follow any set syllabus. They are taught good strong technique at the bar and then in the centre. A good teacher will change the exercises to keep their students alert , fresh and on their toes, so to speak. It seems your daughters teacher is training her very well and already know that your daughter is passionate about her dancing. Ask if the teacher will be able to offer your daughter more classes when the time comes she will need them.

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  9. The cereal bars my daughter eats are the naked and trek ones. They give a slow release of energy, which is what they need to sustain them through a long class. A sugar snack will only give a quick burst of energy.

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