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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. It is a solo she has to do as part of her degree. It has been suggested that a less familiar solo would be a good idea. My daughter was looking at a popular piece, but now wants to take the advice given. Her dance style is very soft and gentle and she is able to perform especially melancholy. So any suggestions of unfamiliar ballet variations would be great to pass on to her.

  2. My daughter has had the opportunity via the school to audition for Jean Ann Ryan cruise ships yesterday. She decided to go for audition experience as her ambition is for a ballet company. She said that the queues for the audition were very very long, definately an experience. She was called back after her dance audition and then asked if she sang solo or ensemble, she sang solo. At the end her photo was taken the end.

    My question is how do you know if they want you? Someone said that if your photo is taken then you are on their books, but you have to be 21 for Jean Anne Ryan? If she is on their books is she a dancer or a singer?

    Oh well first audition experience done and I suppose she will find out by e mail, but I'm not sure of that either?

  3. Good luck everyone, been there and worn the T shirt so to speak. All I can add is it gets easier and becomes in a way normalised. You will miss your children, but this is their dream. A big journey, enjoy and hold on tight the roller coaster is about to begin. Always remember your children are exceptionally lucky to be having this opportunity. As a mum I won't lie, it does hurt a lot when you miss them, but what is the alternative stop them from going, I think not.

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  4. Last day for my daughter today. She has really enjoyed every day of this SS, including the interviews with the teachers in the evenings. The daily blogs have been brilliant along with the daily photographs and videos. I can see why this SS had such a high reputation.

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  5. I don't think my daughter would be interested in this competition at all. You are right dancer mum final year will be so full on that I don't know where they would find the time, even for non vocational students, as that is A level exam time or first year of Uni.

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