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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. Is there any way you could drop out of the performance due to injury, it is so important to rest during an injury, allow your body to get better and ideally see if your audition dates can be re arranged as has been suggested. Good luck

    • Like 3
  2. For my daughter she has got a lot from attending Prague Master Classes, Royal Ballet SS was also excellent and when she was younger she got a lot from Yorkshire Ballet Seminars. These three summer schools are well known for offering high standard teaching, where student travel from abroad.

  3. There is a lot of support for injured dancers at Central. My daughter is seeing the school physio everyday and there is a specialist teacher who gives them specific exercises to do. The students are very lucky at Central.

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  4. Aw congratulations to your daughter, good things come to those who wait as the saying goes. My daughter is injured at the moment and it is so stressful for them, especially when they can't dance. I hope your daughter remains injury free. I will get my daughter to look at this dance clinic you mention if her injury doesn't improve with physio and rest, it's her flexer muscles and it just happened in everyday walking I think.

  5. I personally believe that this is exploiting children. They are too young to understand that these film clips are for ever and can be viewed everywhere, youtube etc. these parents are going to embarrass their children again and again.

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  6. Just managed to watch the first episode and yes the girls are talented, from the bits you get to see. It is all about the mums. It doesn't show any real training. If Jennifer Ellison claims one more time she trained with the royal ballet, I will scream, she was an associate. My daughter was an associate of the royal a big difference to training six days a week with them. Jennifer however is very nice to one of the little ones. I don't think I will bother watching the other episodes. Good luck to the girls though and if they are ever successful, I hope no one plays back these episodes, displaying how awful their mums have behaved.

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  7. They have indeed approached children from other dance schools, that is how I got to know about dance moms. Out of curiosity has Jennifer Ellison got any teaching qualifications. I know she went to a very good dance school in St Helens and she was a mid associate of the Royal Ballet and then she was in Brookside as a child. She might be brilliant, we will just have to see.

  8. I see we are about to see Jennifer Ellison launch her TV version of dance moms, set in Liverpool. Living just outside Liverpool I am already cringing. They announce their kids as being the crem de me crem of dancers in Liverpool, which is a very ambitious statement to make, so therefore they are already setting themselves up for a fall. I will watch to see what type of training Jennifer Ellison is offering.

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  9. My daughter loves corrections even if they are being shouted out. She woul find it heart breaking to be ignored as to her that would mean the teacher has no interest in her. However she knows her dance teachers and she trusts them. If they are correcting her they are doing so because in ballet it is good to correct straight away for lots and lots of reasons. If however your daughter is being singled out and shouted at, then perhaps you could have a private word with her teacher. It could be explained that the shouting is making your daughter lose confidence and this is having an effect on her performance.

    • Like 3
  10. Hi Sophieschoice,

    Would it be possible to arrange 1-1 private ballet classes with her ballet teacher. This would hopefully build her confidence whilst working on her weaknesses and building on her strengths. If the school don't offer private lessons, there are plenty of private ballet teachers around, that could be there just for your daughter. Which area are you in?

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