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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. Taxi4ballet once your daughter goes away, you will suddenly find that you have so much time to spend on other things. You will also reflect on how you found the time and energy to do what you did. Dancing and we are only talking about dancing costs an arm and a leg if it is heading towards becoming more serious.

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  2. Have you all got plenty of auditions to go? Try and have a lovely Christmas, but keep your fitness levels up over the holiday and try and catch some extra quality ballet classes if you can. Just remember you are all talented and as has been mentioned so few places with students from all around the world applying for these spaces.

    It's a tough year coupled with gcse's. Stay confident there will hopefully be a school out there that is just right for you.

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  3. I believe the training is excellent there and a good bridge between graduating and professional work, especially if the student is young, which my daughter will be (summer birth). Mind you she will take anything going if offered. £3,000 isn't bad if youve got the money ofcourse.

  4. This is something we are planning for with our daughter of she doesn't get any work. I believe northern academy post grad is excellent but again hard to get into. This is going to be an expensive year and thank goodness both me and my husband are working, otherwise I don't think financially we would be able to support her. Again another point to consider a lot of these contracts are very short. Do they get time to audition for companies during a contract. How does it all work?

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  5. Hi annaballerina I vaguely remember Central being quite quick with their results, so hopefully you will all get an answer before Christmas. Fingers crossed for everyone, remember if it's a yes then fantastic, but if its a no please don't let it knock your confidences, lots more auditions to go. Good luck to you all.

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  6. This is the point I tried to make on an earlier post. At my daughters previous vocational school there where other extra costs eg Pilates, outings etc. I just hoped that neither me or my husband was ever made redundant in our jobs. I did however know that some things were to be charged in advance. Things are a lot easier with a student loan. But we are still paying out a lot on cost of living, travel and dance equipment, and I mean a few thousand per year. This year our middle child graduates ing with our daughter. Freedom yay. Somehow though I think the ballet will still need financial support one way or another.

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  7. I've just found out that Central have some burseries. I think they are based on financial. There are lots of things, I suppose you have to ask. How come I didn't know about these burseries up until now grrr? Perhaps I was stupid and missed the boat so to speak? Perhaps and I don't know why central ask about finances?

  8. I thought I would open this topic up as it may be helpful to some parents just starting out. There are so many hidden cost once your child has successfully achieved a place at vocational school. What support is given by the government regarding rent etc. is there any other support available that other parents have been able to tap into. We mostly already know about DA DA and MDS's, but what about cost of living for older students. Travel cost to and from school, food and dance equipment. Just thought that this topic may be of help to someone out there.

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  9. Regarding manners. I have always taught my children that manners cost nothing but can have great value. The homeless young person no matter what city always, always says thankyou when you give them something, even when you say sorry I haven't got any change, in my experience they always say thanks anyway love. These people have absolutely nothing, however they have a lot more than some people I have come across.

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  10. Some of the other mums will know, but what's that thing called 'floor ballet', meaning they do ballet laying on their back? Perhaps doing her exercises this way whilst watching the DVD will be helpful, not sure but just a thought.

  11. I think a lot of the schools will head this way, converting to a BA Honours so that talented students can get a student loan. There are soooo many extra hidden costs though, top up on the rent, living allowance and dance wear to name a few. The final year is again audition year, the costs of that run alongside the regular cost. This was the original point I was trying to make. You really have to go into this with your eyes wide open. Make sure you know about certain benifits that maybe available to your child. Some get help toward their rent depending on income brackets.

  12. Ofcourse there are non associate dancers who have rightly gained a place at upper schools. Just when the question was asked I happen to think of the UK students that where in my daughters year. It seems the ones I know came from associates in London, Birmingham, Leeds and Scotland. I am ONLY talking of that one particular year group. In my daughters year the student come from lots of different countries and all over the UK. It is a lovely year and they all get on so well, very supportive of each other. Central doesn't have any knowledge of a families financial income as we have student loans. All student no matter where they have trained or come from are there because they are all talented. Coming from an associate scheme or a vocational school does not mean that a student is a better dancer than a student who has remained at a good local ballet school.

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