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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. Another thing that we are so lucky to have in our country now is dance medicine under our good old NHS. My daughter had an appointment in the London site for a hip flexor injury, she didn't have to wait long for an appointment and her check up was thorough. Sometimes we really do need to stop and look at all the fantastic things that is on offer to us in the UK.

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  2. Just laughing, my daughter said when it's her birthday can she have a HUGE box of compede plasters she gets such big blisters on her heals. Just wish she would go and see Sheila who might magically find her the perfect point shoe. Best of it is it's not her birthday until the summer.

  3. Thankyou GTKW. It's brilliant to get advice from mums who have kids who are now in professional companies. DD is really getting as much experience from auditions as she can. Learning the ropes so to speak. Are the rules when invited to company class, eg where to stand at the Barr, centre work, when to take your turn etc.

  4. Just been laughing with my daughter. She has just come out of her Inala audition and she said she has never been outside her comfort zone so much. The ballet class was brilliant, but she found the African dancing part totally unfamiliar. She laughed saying she couldn't dance African. They have kept a few dancers back who my daughter said were brilliant. So all in all she has had a really good audition experience and has come out laughing. I didn't know much about Inala until I saw them on Google. They look like a really exciting company, I'd love to go and see them at some point. Has anyone else seen this company?

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  5. And the same for your daughter Lildancer96, they may even end up at the same auditions. What's lovely is the fact that they all know each other from SS etc, and they are all lovely and supportive.

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  6. Thankyou but the fact she got an audition I'm pleased with. I don't expect her to get Inala as I think that is strongly contempory and there are so many out there where that is forte. When I googled who Inala where, I just thought that to have an experience of a workshop with this company would be amazing. I will find out later how it all went.

  7. Just reflecting on how lucky we are in our country.

    My daughter and all of her friends are now in the process of searching for professional work with dance companies. Up to now I really have to compliment the professionalism of Ballet UK and auditions for Anala. Their auditions are in the form of a workshop, so run for a few hours free of charge. For Anala audition today, just to experience what this company is about must wonderful and exciting. Vienna festival ballet were in London, again the dancers were treated so well during their audition, no rudeness and free of charge. There are some American ballet companies coming to London but you have to pay if they invite you to their audition.


    I'm sure there are different experiences out there, and my daughter has got a massive journey ahead of her in just securing a job in her field of dance. But I have to say I'm very impressed in the way these companies have treated these young students.

    We are also lucky regarding the amount of excellent quality summer schools up and down the country available to our dancers. They're not cheap but there are scholarships available at some. So my point for the morning is how lucky are we to have all of this in our country.

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  8. Petalviolet you made me laugh but time to rein it in now. So not to offend your teacher, if it was my daughter I would wear the leotard the teacher said, especially if the other two children are wearing the school uniform. All the best to your lovely little daughter I bet she will have a wonderful day.

  9. My daughter got priority select waiting list twice and twice she got a place. The first year however clashed with prague master classes which were full paid for , so she didn't do WL. Last year she went to WL and then Prague. She enjoyed both SS and got a lot from both.

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  10. Hi petal violet welcome to the forum. Your dilemma is a tricky one as you are so honest, however would you trust your dance teacher enough to have the knowledge? Are there other Royal ballet associates within your dance school, or will your little girl be the first to try?

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  11. Hi haggis my daughter did Covent garden last year and I don't think the classes were huge. Top of my head about 25 possibly, I will have to ask her. No more than other summer schools that she has done before. It was very well organised and the teaching was excellent. There were only about 5 UK students in her age group. Covent Garden studios are big, airy and beautiful.

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