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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. Congratulations to your daughter waitingmum, fabulous news. Sorry about the no's but your children did ever so well to get a re-call. You can always try again and if you are doing the summer school, they can audition again there too.

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  2. Well actually I disagree about letting this go as my daughter is actually in those photos. What is worse is that she is actually only 7st 9oz, so at 5ft 5inch she is very tiny and long limbed. If that photo is compared as not been fine shaped in comparison then I am left speechless. My daughter is not the only one who is this shape there are lots of the students there who are very fine shaped. Yes discuss audition experiences and buildings and reception on arrival, but please don't compare the shape of the students as I actually know these kids, who have achieved a place there not because of their shape, but because of their talent. I definately don't get the rules on this forum as some threads get closed down due to opinions honestly discussed from experience and yet even when student can clearly be identified, it is ok for discussions to continue?????

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  3. I agree with you jazzpaws the building is very old but the teaching is of a very high standard. ENBs building is also very old but if my daughter had of been offered a place there, she would have jumped at the chance as that was originally her first choice. I can see however when you are new to auditions how daunting for the parents of young adults leaving them at the door of a building is scary. When Carol is on the desk at Central she is so lovely, but perhaps she wasn't on the desk or at the desk on the day of that audition. Sixth form only ballet schools are very different to schools that have younger students. The buildings just aren't big enough to accommodate tours at the same time as auditions. But you will get a tour and a talk if your child is offered a place, which is when decisions can be made. No need for blunt no letters though.

  4. I remember when my daughter auditioned, some of her friends go a no for Elmhurst first audition and a yes for Royal ballet??? Just what happens on the day, if you manage to catch their eye, having a good day or the requirements that school is looking for. One year it may be a no and the following year a yes. Good luck everyone and stay positive

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  5. It has been lovely listening to such positive and wonderful news for CeliB son. Because we are all frequent visitors to this part of the forum, it feels as if we all know each other. Mostly we are all very supportive, sometimes we agree with each other and sometimes we don't. However we all respect each other's feelings and emotions, especially during stressful times eg auditions etc. So welcome to this section of the forum, a lot of is have been here for a long time and we are all very supportive of newcomers.

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