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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. The ones who still want to continue must be good as they get snapped up by ENB, Central and Elmhurst and ofcourse the other schools. A lot of them as has been said have gone on to become a part of top ballet companies. For these students who clearly did have potential, why weren't the offered a place at US. I know some were better suited to other schools which has been explained, but that would be the students decision. I suppose the truth is The Royal want the very best candidate that they can get and you have done amazingly well to secure a place in the US. However when the government were investing in our dancers and would have continued to do so, why didn't The Royal believe I these successful dancers? Mine is just a question and I'm not out to cause any arguments. I'm just glad that these students were able to secure a place at another school where they were able to continue in achieving their dreams. Saying that at Royal it would have been a MDS at other schools it is either a DaDa or government student loan. My heart truly does go out to these parents.

  2. I also believe that everyone is allowed to voice their oppinion, concerns etc so long as they are not being hurtful or offensive. The figures do appear harsh for whatever reason, therefore people are going to question decisions. The ballet world is a very harsh world and most of us know this and I'm sure it does get even harder. I can imagine that sometimes it is hard to get of the roller coaster even when the student wants to. It's a very difficult time of year right now and emotions are running very high. This forum has always been a great support to all its members. However people shouldn't be put off voicing their opinions, concerns and questions.

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  3. There are soooo many talented dancers applying for upper schools, not just from our own country either. To gain a place your children must have to be very talented. With assessing out etc from other top schools the competit is so fierce. Does Paris opera take anyone into their school who is from outside France?

  4. Yes it is very sad. Why are nearly all of them no longer allegedly suitable for upper school training at the Royal? What is wrong with home grown training? This discussion arises again and again. Why aren't schools who take the most talented more loyal to their students. My heart goes out to these kids. If it's one or two who are no longer suitable for a schools regime of training then fine, but to not take the majority through, strange???

    • Like 9
  5. Just remember that there were very very few MDSs. There are still auditions to complete. Your children really do have so much time to get into vocational schools. If they don't get in to one this year then you get to enjoy them for another year and you will be financially better off. Big hugs everyone and keep going.

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  6. I wouldn't normally share such personal news on the forum, but this news is so fantastic perhaps I will. I am ver proud of all my children the three of them are such lovely lovely people. Last year my middle son Jonathon was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer of the lymphatic system. We were all horrified and scared, not knowing what was ahead. However Jonathon refused to take almost no time off uni, he is studying computer science at Liverpool university. He carried on going for radiotherapy and then going straight back into uni. This week he announced that he has just passed all of his exams on track for a 2-1 with a possibility for a 1st. I really really could not be more proud of him. He has been through hell but just kep focussed. Jonathon is now in remission and doing very well. He will graduate this year and will no doubt move away from home to start his career. All my children even though they live away from home have been amazing with how they have supported each other. Proud mother and father.

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  7. Congratulations to your daughter two alarums, fantastic news. During royal ballet SS in Covent garden, all students were invited to audition for the school. During the SS the teachers get to see how the students follow instruction, perform etc, and if they have the physique they require for their training, then a student could get a good second chance at auditioning.

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