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Posts posted by Tulip

  1. Student castle is one of the most expensive accommodation, but a lot of Central students especially first years stay there. My daughter spent her first year at international student house, can't remember how much we paid now, but it was cheaper than student castle. After that students share flats which works out even cheaper and there are a lot of nice flats about.

  2. Take a photo of him, enlarge it and put it in your window where his wife may see it. Other than that send the photo by post addressed to his wife and explain how embarrassing it is, not only for you but also your son. He's clearly an idiot and he know he is winding you up.

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  3. Go for a nice long walk and then tell yourself that you have burned them calories off. No point in beating yourself up. The thing is for dieting, if it's not in the house you can't have it, and if you want it you have to make the effort to go and get it. Today is a brand new day, make it a good one and you will feel so much better ????

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  4. Fantastic news for your daughter Audsj, lovely to hear how well they have done. I suppose the schools have their own methods and reasons regarding how they give out results. I'm sure that they are not trying to be inconsiderate or cause further stress, they are probably doing their best. Fingers crossed for those still waiting to hear.

  5. It's amazing how calories can be shaved though. Have your treat of cheese on toast, but have it on thinner bread and put less cheese on, better still try half fat cheese. Also money you saved by not having your shortbread biscuit at Costa can be your reward for getting the bus home, or if you choose to have the biscuit then you burn it off by walking home. You can have all the food you like, just half it. Try going up the stairs twice instead of once, do it as often as you can, them pounds will drop off. Best of luck.

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  6. She's still got plenty of time danceintherain. You get to keep your lovely daughter at home for longer. Tap into associate programmes to keep her training topped up. Best of luck for the future.

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