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Everything posted by LinMM

  1. Saw this film on Tuesday 16th April at he Curzon in Mayfair in London(just round the corner from Green Park). It's on in the other Curzons this week in Chelsea and Richmond too. The Curzon cinemas are really nice....much better than a multiplex experience. However regards this film even at the Curzon only showing in the mornings and afternoons .....no evening showings ....so difficult for people who work. Wish I had seen this site earlier as I believe only showing until this weekend in London. Having seen the film I think it deserves a much wider audience not just for balletomanes like myself....as the individual stories are so interesting and have plenty of human interest....I didn't expect to be moved to tears by this film but I was!! If you are a balletomane you will love it particularly and you can't help almost cheering at the end at some of the results. I loved all the characters even Miko's mum who just wants the best for her kids and as the film demonstrates so well you can't keep someone at ballet if they don't really want to do it just like anything else once it gets to a certain level of difficulty. However have been chasing and waiting for this film for past eight months so may be biassed!! The film is being distributed in UK by Artificial Eye who do have a website and they may know where it's going next it's just such a shame that because only just a week of showings in mornings and afternoons even in London so,many people will be denied seeing it who wouldn't probably bother to get DVD etc. Hope it comes on terrestrial tv soon so can wallow in it all over again!!
  2. Yes parking is a nightmare here in Brighton as well and I hardly ever go into the centre by car now....luckily there's an excellent bus service which for me is of course now free. A couple of classes I go to are based in schools which is great as you can then use their car park otherwise it's the bus! I know Cambridge well enough to know there are very good park and rides there. I use the one with the big Waitrose in ( name escapes me) and they do also have these guided bus routes which are fantastically fast but I think more to the north of the city. It really would depend on exactly which class you chose and its location but I think one of the park and rides could work for you. My friends know of certain locations to park in and then walk in via the river....this would be great if classes are located pretty centrally and I can ask them to divulge their secret locations!! It's a very long time since Ive been to Harlow as Thelma Litster who ran the Chelsea Ballet for many years(now run by her daughter Louise Hudson) had connections to Harlow via Leo Kersley both of whom have now sadly died. I did a couple of summer courses there in the 1980's! So no doubt parking has seriously deteriorated there since then!! We walked in to the theatre from the Youth Hostel but Harlow does have a good rail service. Hope you manage to find a suitable class anyway.
  3. I noticed Miss L is looking for classes inEssex area. I don't know how near Harlow you are but there is quite a bit of ballet going on there and they usually do a summer school though haven't checked for this year. The school used tobe connected to the theatre there but this may have changed in recent years but worth checking out if Harlow is not too far away. I believe Michael Branwell who still teaches there also has a class on Thursdays at Central in London about 7 ish I think but have never done that class. He is also one of the teachers on Chelsea Ballet summer school....this year at Pineapple. As is Richard Ramsey who took the Masterclass last Tuesday....he will be taking the more advanced class on the summer course...and I really loved his class on Tuesday...nice and dancey and lovely balance of speedy (always a challenge for me at mo) and slower content gets the best out of you.....but absolutely no histrionics! Anyway hope that is useful.
  4. Hi yes I think that particular Tuesday the weather was really bad it certainly was here in Brighton and I had to miss my own class!! I went to the class this last Tuesday and there were 16-20 people there (didn't count). The next one is May 28th (which I can't do)and then I think the 18th June. It is rather late though 8-9.30 which is fine if you live or can stay in London but would be a trek if you had a 40 or 50 mile..or more drive..I probably wouldn't do that myself. I emailed the city academy yesterday and they have already replied this morning that the course is not aimed at vocational students so am now thinking of doing though a bit costly for a two day course....I had no idea it had originally been planned for longer than this. Am still building up fitness to do classes and am on 4 a week at mo...just hope I can cope with a summer school or two classes a day...probably not yet!! Though I did manage from 10- 2.30 with Franziska's course which I had been worried about! I have now booked an individual session with her before the next course in May. I do admire your tenacity in finding and attending classes and going that extra mile.....but ballet does tend to get you hooked like that and at my somewhat advanced years(let's just say Ive got the bus pass!) if you don't do pretty regularly you stiffen up very quickly even with the omega 3 et al!!
  5. April Burgess Martin is the teacher who belongs to ARBTA (Association of Russian Ballet and Theatre Arts) in the Cambridge area. My Russian teacher in Brighton belongs to this association. Not sure whereabout she teaches in Cambridge but you can email her if you look up,this association and go to members page. I don't know exactly where you are but there are quite a few in Hertfordshire and one in Dartford too.
  6. There is also a teacher who belongs to Judy's Russian organisation(there are so many different ones) who teaches in Cambridge area but just outside I will look her up again as its a year since I originally researched all this. She sounded very nice too. For Fiz
  7. Cambridge classes for Fiz to consider. As I like Russian style on the whole the main one I found out about and was interested in was The Russian Ballet School run by Karen Stringer 01223-473402.......www.therussianballetschool.co.uk Ive never been to any classes in Cambridge though as I go there every few months to visit friends....I keep threatening to....I think they think Ive gone dotty in my retirement with all this ballet!! However here are a couple of others who do classes for adults and a range of levels ......always difficult for adult returners as only doing a very beginners class is not satisfying enough once a bit of strength and knowledge of being able to put at least some steps together starts coming back!! There is Dedikated ballet school: 01223 292562. Also www.coloursofdance.com which also does some ballet classes. The other one that looks quite interesting is the Cambidge University Ballet Club which have a website if you google them. There's always more going on than one imagines as I found out in Brighton.....there are more classes there than I have already mentioned including Cechetti and RAD but usually only one class a week for adults which is why the Brighton Ballet School is good because there are so many classes. lartiste yes I usually find Russian classes seem to,be a level up than usual. But am so lucky to have Judy in Brighton as her classes are challenging but dancey. I survived one of more advanced LRBS classes but that's one good thing about getting older one does tend to not worry so much about what others may think and just have a good old go at it but nevertheless a bit daunting when everyone has their legs round ears and you're lucky if its just above 45!!
  8. Seem to be forgetful today! Also another venue in North London for classes just down the road from Sadlers Wells and not far from Central School either is the Urdang Academy in Rosebery Avenue. They also run classes for Adults and again info from their website. I haven't actually tried any classes there but someone I know recommended Raymond Chai classes. There should be a class there to suit beginners plus/ ballet returners, intermediate and advanced etc. Also thanks for info about the City Academy Michelle which I didn't know about and is very close to where I stay when in London.....the Swan Lake workshop sounds great but before I apply want to check whether this is for any age or just for younger vocational students.
  9. Forgot to say Brighton Ballet School is running a summer school this summer over two weeks end of July beg of August info will be on their website.
  10. Although London is a way to go there are some good classes around. I returned to ballet two years ago after 22 yr gap!! And have slowly added more classes so am hooked again. I have just retired so am usually the oldest in the classes but its great that there are adult classes anyway. When in London I stay in Islington so go to Central : David Kierce is great teacher and fun great for adults and does beginners plus on Monday eve and the same on Sunday plus a more advanced level class. There are lots of ther teachers there too just dependng what level youre at but of course London being London if it says General that means anywhere from intermediate to Royal Ballet dancers in class!! I've tried London Russian too in Clapham...some good beginners plus classes there on several nghts and mornings if you can get there but once you go more advanced, students will be younger and atmosphere somewhat rarefied for adults!! I did Franziskas workshop in February and have signed up for her may 18th one too her Sunday afternoon class at Danceworks I make only occasionally but again very good and she does a more advanced one following on. I was also lucky enough to do Chelsea Ballet Masterclass this last Tuesday at the Place (was in Chelsea Ballet years ago) and cannot recommend this class highly enough...teacher Richard Ramsey(ex Royal) but its only once a month. I actually live in Brighton where I do classes linked to the BBO at the Brighton Ballet school run by Sonya Pettigrew. if you want you can go through all the grades and take exams as an adult there. I do grade 6 and 7 there but am not keen on doing exams and there is no pressure to do so. There is also a Russian style class (I do love the use of the upper body more) run by Judy Breen at Patcham school on Wednesday Eve's. Also a very good value for money class on saturdays 12-1.30 with the Ballet Collective in Portslade only £6 for one and half hours....although in middle of industrial estate brilliant studio huge with great sprung floor! Class is intermediate/advanced level but varied, very well run and prepared by a group of women who take turns to take class. For the lady who lives in Lincoln I know there are some good classes in Cambridge though have never tried them. Can look up my info. Hope some of this useful anyway
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