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Everything posted by LinMM

  1. Well this will be hard to judge without seeing the people in reality but here goes Pirouettes en dehors first Most teachers will stress the importance of holding the position on Demi pointe strongly before turning and that pirouettes are about going "up" not "round". Once you've got this balance that's 3/4 of job done etc they say. Well I can hold the balance starting from 5th and 4th quite well now so should be able to turn but somehow as soon as I do I go off balance and don't seem to do even a single turn and arrive with the leg still in retire position. I do watch that incoming arm isn't throwing off balance but find it difficult to judge exact amount of force to use. I am also not sure that once trying to turn my supporting leg is staying pulled up. I can't decide whether technical probs or just a general "fear issue". Occasionally they come off so body has the knowledge somewhere but again why are pirouettes likely to,be so inconsistent?
  2. Thanks Michelle will have a go a bit later.....being yelled at to get out and help in the garden at mo so better get at that first before this iPad gets confiscated!!!
  3. Hi Siobhan well I know you'll find this hard to believe ....me being an oldie and all...but one thing I've found this time round is that I feel much freer to express the movement even if technique a bit to be desired! I used to be much more concerned about the technical aspects when younger which inhibited expression more but now although I am still interested in technique, it's more from just an enabling position so I can dance the enchainements with some degree of musicality etc. (so I can have my own private "Giselle" or "Swan" moments!!!) So I think it's as Anjuli said this new comeback could give you a new experience of ballet you may not have had before!!
  4. I understand the fascination with the music as a child Spannerandpony.... it was hearing my mums old 78 recording of Chopins Les Sylphides that was the reason I started ballet in the first place! I used to get out of bed and sit at the top of the stairs if she had it on in the evening. She found a local class for me(same one as Paul Clarke late of Festival Ballet....we went to same primary school as well) but was never a "ballet mum" so to speak...she really wanted me to learn the piano!! Talking of the old Festival Ballet too I can't remember how many times went to see them perform Nutcracker when they used to use Festival Hall(awful conditions for dancers) had to stop seeing Nutcracker for a few years in the end as thought if I hear that overture one more time.........But still go and see it from time to time.....last year English National Ballets Wayne Eagling production.
  5. I would be happy to start a new thread about pirouettes.....I don't know...pirouettes in the hot seat? .....there's just one snag....I don't know how to start a new thread and at mo can't find any info on how to do this....this is the first forum Ive ever used so some excuse?!!
  6. Siobhan just wanted to check something. Are you doing ballet purely for pleasure or were you thinking you might want to come back to it more seriously and not just as a hobby? Anjuli_Bai yes a discussion about pirouettes would be great!!
  7. Siobhan there is a similar topic on this forum still ongoing called Going Back to Ballet if you have a read there should give you some ideas but as to your question I would say no you haven't left it too late! and keep persevering. As you get older you will lose some flexibility and one stiffens up more quickly after breaks for hols etc but this should not put you off!! Ive been back twice now. First I gave up when 15 then took up at 21 till about 42. And now two years ago took up again in my sixties.....and am loving it even though I know I'll never jump as well as I used to and if I can aim now for a leg at 60-70 (would love 90) I'd be happy! It takes time for the muscle memory to come back if you've already done the basics but it will. As for pirouettes.....well that's another story!! Some days they're there and then some days you cant even pull one off!! There is some talk about this on the other forum. As you get a bit stronger again you may need to back up with another class as ballet is very difficult to progress in, on one class a week. You said "as much as I enjoy being back" and there's the key really if you enjoy it that's what you need to keep connecting with! Happy dancing and definitely don't give up yet!
  8. It seems to be a while now since Ive woken up without a pain or a muddle somewhere! Yes I have muddled those two swan lake ones up as I thought there was only one anyway!! I think it's the City Academy one I sent the email to and I think that one is only two days. Haven't looked at the LAB one but if its longer than two days probably won't consider this year. I'm looking forward to my individual session with Franziska on Wednesday.....Ive never done an individual before but it's a chance to go over things that are really bothering you and get some advice on alignment and placing etc. it's not far from where I stay when inLondon so that's good too. Well pose turns must be de rigeur this week as we did them to end class today too! The studio in Portslade is huge so lots of room. I'm better on the right side than the left(where more likely to get dizzy or go of course) but not too bad today.....I prefer pose and soutenus turns to pirouettes.......though pirouettes in the middle of an enchainement like today...to Vivaldi's Autumn...are better than doing what I call dry exercise pirouettes as in a BBO or RAD grade class. I must get my act together about the Chelsea Ballet Summer School as haven't paid yet and I know Louise has just sold her house so need to check where to send etc. How are you going to organise Michelle.....are you doing all the classes everyday or mix and matching so to speak.....it's making up my mind about this which is delaying things. Since I did the Masterclass last week I think I would like to do Richards pm class but could I cope with a morning one as well? Decisions decisions I'll update on the leotard situation at a later date but thanks for you suggestions anyway.
  9. My first three visits to the ballet were all quite different and important for different reasons . I started ballet at 7 but first visit to the theatre was not till I was about 12 in the late 50's to London to see a gala in which many notable dancers of the era were taking part including Fonteyn in the Firebird. Gilpin was still dancing and I got his autograph and Maria Tallchief was another. This trip made me decide I really wanted to,be a dancer however gave it all up when I was 15. My next trip to,the ballet was in 1969 just before I left College to the Oxford Playhouse where I saw Monotones...immediately fell in love with the music and ballet all over again and determined to pick up again.....which I did in Liverpool where I worked for next three years. I started classes at the Elliot-Clarke school there. The third trip was to see Northern Ballet Theatre at the very beginning of the company I think....about 1971-2. This was a performance at Sunlight Hall on the Wirral and I had my school ballet club girls with me....a great adventurous night out for them running across some playing fields doing ballet steps all the way home!! But shortly after this I decided that London was the place to be to both see and do ballet so off I went there for the next 30 years. All my subsequent ballet going has really been in London ever since and was lucky enough to see Fonteyn and Nureyev dance together and many wonderful dancers like Markarova, Baryshnikov and companies like Bejart over the years. I remember then queuing at Covent Garden (once for 13 hours) while the market was still there and on occasions being part of a group who organised the flower throwing after performances....heady days!
  10. LinMM

    Family matters

    Am fairly new to this forum and am only just discovering all the topic threads here and just found this one. I can relate to many things said here. My mum died of lung cancer over ten years ago now but my dad just over 4 years ago and although there were awful aspects to losing both of them (ravages of disease etc) my dads was much more painful because I lost him twice....first to vascular degeneration which causes dementia and then when he finally died from a heart attack. He only really succumbed to the dementia in the last year of his life but it was difficult to deal with suddenly having to be "the parent" to my parent so to speak...especially my dad. I found that social services were not that keen to get involved while there is a son or daughter doing the main caring. And by the time I had finally managed to set things up it was too late. The main thing I had wanted to get going was wheels on meals as dad was just not eating properly. Of course being the generation he was this was virtually a no go area but eventually after months of trying managed to persuade him to try them for just three days a week. I told them not to ring him as he wouldn't remember we had arranged it. Unfortunately on the very first day they rang to "remind" him they were coming and of course he said he didn't want them and had never arranged it.....so that was that. I managed to engage the help of one of his neighbours in the end......who were all fantastic as had all known dad for years so were a godsend in the end as I could only go every weekend. Looking back there were some darkly comic moments too many to go into....like him describing his main meals to me on the phone every day(which I had left for him) and then arriving to see all the meals there and a fridge full of bread!! He must have accosted every neighbour and asked them to get him a Warburtons Toastie.......he seemed to live on bread and cheese. As I am an only child it was very hard work but at least I didn't have the problems some seem to have experienced here with siblings.....talk about rubbing salt into the wound! When he died one of my best friends said at least you won't have four brothers and sisters all shouting at you that you've got the funeral service all wrong!! Sympathies to all those going through all this right now.
  11. Just to add that will soon be in possession of first leotard for 22 years thanks to JustBallet. Also had a reply from Wear Moi UK and they can apparently make a leotard to own measurements(not sure of the cost of that yet) so thanks to all who have helped with this!
  12. I really don't know what's the matter with me today...perhaps because Ive had a very bad cold this week...after managing to get through the whole of winter without one...but went back to the Dog Show post and seen a very recent post there so will carry on with further pet comments on that forum and not this one!! But a ballet comment for here: I am committing myself to Franziskas day courses May 18th July 13th and last one in September...started with her February one and have a one to one with her next week.......something Ive never done before with ballet. So those plus the Chelsea Ballet summer school and possibly the Brighton summer school (if they don't clash) are probably enough for the time being. But next (academic) year will be much more aware of all these lovely ballet workshops going on for adults which I had no idea so many about. I am still tempted by the Swan Lake one if its not full yet but have a close friend over from Australia with her DD 13+ (who is hoping to do one of the summer schools...she has been offered ENB but they are waiting to hear from the one up in Yorkshire before making final decision) so don't want to find I have no time to be with them as only see every two years or so. Off to ballet tonight grade 6 BBO....and then tomorrow the rather more challenging ballet collective class....in the industrial estate in Portslade!! Happy dancing everyone.....just thought may meet up with you Michelle on the July pirouette course of Franziskas!
  13. Hi Michelle maybe I'll get your name right this time!! Sorry about above post obviously not sure who I am today!!! I had a look at your dog post but not used to using forums yet and didn't look at dates at first so didn't realise your dog has since died as well till I went to the posts. What a difficult few years you have had. I'm posting this here because its a while since that doggy topic has had any contributions....and that's what I mean about understanding the Forum fully.....can you just carry on with a past topic if nothing recent on etc!! Your dog looked so lovely too. I got carried away with my likes too reading all the doggy stories so can't like anyone else's posts today!! Anyone's pet dying is just heartbreaking. I haven't had a dog since I was a child(Jack Russell) but a much beloved cat who was half Siamese and half tonkinese so a real talker died a couple of years ago. Toscar was 18 and a half and we were both heartbroken. We had him privately cremated down in the woods at Raystede an animal rescue centre not far from Lewes and his ashes are still in the cupboard surrounded by hundreds of animal toys I used to use in teaching(my now ex job). We bought a tree for him still in the pot in the garden and am now torn between putting his ashes with the tree or leaving them in the cupboard with all the animals!! But now am retired am thinking of a the possibility of a dog...hence the dog walking idea initially. I am happy to continue this line under the old doggy topic if that's appropriate as I realise not exactly about Back to Ballet but didn't want not to comment about your post Michelle. Perhaps the Moderators can help here.
  14. Thanks for the info on the dance events.Normally I would have been keen on the Cambridge one as I have friends there and cold stay etc but unfortunately clashes with a college reunion event up in Haworth so could not make it but its always useful to know theses things. Lin I think you are amazing 10 classes a week....I can just about cope with four at the mo. Sorry to hear about your partner it must have been incredibly difficult adjusting I know I would find it hard if anything happened to mine(he had to have an op last week and I was all in a dither with that...he's fine now though) Your salsa sounds fun though. I've done a bit of Zumba to loosen up the body more and that was great fun too .....nearly did me in trying to,keep up though as much more aerobic than ballet. I've just recently retired....hence time to write on ballet forums! And I still find it strange not being in such a rigid routine. I don't have a dog but I did think of dog walking as something I would quite like to do..perhaps someone who can no longer get out to take their dog for a walk but I will get round to finding out about this. Meanwhile the ballet seems to be slowly absorbing more time and I think as you feel more improvement then you do tend to,want to do more. But take care of those knees
  15. I think it's more about how comfortable you feel in your body generally Michelle. You would think somebody doing ballet would be very confident in this respect but I never have been so always a bit of a modest dresser really even when younger. Unlike my mother who was much bolder!! Where I have changed is not being so shy to express myself in the dance (in relation to the music) which I was more worried about when younger but now I just go for it more but I won't be the one in the briefest bikini on the beach!!
  16. I suppose it is easy to forget how intense everything can be with adolescent ages and that what they are feeling in the moment may seem as if those feelings will be "forever". It's easier for us more life experienced to have more perspective and know that things change....it can be a bit all or nothing at that age. Looks like some improvement however and the fact that she is aware of how she is coming across makes me think she is actually quite a mature young lady perhaps facing a first big disappointment? It's really important that you've been to the school and spoken about the comments made to your daughter as that shows your true support and may even help the teacher concerned as well. Yes ballet is a tough old world but you don't have to be a dragon to get the best out of people or give them good advice. My friends daughter in Sydney is 13 and up till now a keen ballet student but has just started putting on a bit of normal adolescent weight which the teachers there seem to be worried about!! Just hope they dont put her off too. In the end though passion is what really holds people together and keeps them trying inspite of obstacles sometimes. So hope your daughter will soon have renewed passion for her ballet while that is still what she really wants to do.
  17. Sorry to hear about that....but he's still giving pleasure even now ...he just looks like he's laughing so cheers you up immediately! Ive been on the Wear Moi website and have just a few mins ago sent them an email so will see what comes out of that. Thanks again
  18. I thInk with pose turns practice without turning helps a lot at first....it's not easy as you have to almost do a little ronde de jambe movement with the leg you are stepping on to from the finishing position and have to watch the incoming arm isn't behind the shoulder or throwing off balance. I wish I could pirouette for England though!! I'm stuck on one at the moment as when I try two I sort of panic and end up using too much force! Just occasionally a good two comes off but then in the next class all over the place again so I end up back with the one.....for everyone's safety and security!! I would really like to enjoy pirouettes but so far not the case. However Franziska Rosenzweig is doing a course in July in London (Saturday) ....need to check exact date so am hoping enlightenment may result from that day on!!! Her courses cost £40 if you book at least a month before so reasonable. I'm sure she will do some pose turns as well. Wear moi UK is a new one for me Spannerandpony (I love your dog) so will look into them. I have come across Dancing in the Street but I'm a bit traditional in my leotard wear and some of their designs a bit too revealing for my older bones! I tend to like higher at the back and either long or cap sleeves but I'll give them another look too so thanks. Looks like I could be going from none to three!!
  19. Hi thanks have looked on the Porselli website and there is a papillon in the style I like in size 16 which is denoted as xxlarge. In all the other makes there is no xxlarge but just xlarge which is a size 14. I still think it strange that a leotard no matter the size in width should be thought to fit someone of 5ft 2ins and 5ft 8ins say! That leotards don't come in length sizes as well. I've noticed the one I like does have elastacene in so that should help. I'll give Porselli a ring tomorrow. I have tried on though all the largest sized leotards in London, in Freeds, Capezio, Bloch, Dancia International et al and did not feel comfortable in any of them. I do have a similar problem with swimming costumes.....I usually have to buy in a larger size....hence a trifle baggy about the bust so that they stretch up far enough! But thanks for this info.....I think there is a niche in the market there for someone!!
  20. Yes injury is always in the back of ones mind at my age(I am in my sixties). You have to let your body be your guide.....i could not do a full plie for 6 months when first did classes again but even at my age it can do with a little pushing on occasions! But I have got more confident as Ive regained strength and am having a go at some quite complex turning jumps now. I used to be anxious about landing from a jump on one leg as my left ankle particularly has never been quite the same since I broke it(running for a bus....not dancing I hasten to add) but even that is feeling much stronger since Ive retaken up ballet. But oh for the days when I could jump more than 2inches off the floor!! Which brings me to something I feel is still in the remit of this particular topic and that is leotards......and the lack of suitable sizes. I realise that most of the dance world is geared to younger people hoping to be ballerinas but am I the only size 16 out there!! I just can't find a leotard to fit that feels comfortable and I don't want to have to order from America (I don't do online banking) and anyway as a matter of principle I feel I should be able to buy in UK. I am quite tall....5ft 8ins but am big boned and probably have roughly even back and leg length......so not the ideal long legged ballet figure....I am 11st exactly at mo but even extra large in all the main ballet shops in London is a size 14!! I can squeeze into some but feel compressed around the shoulders which I hate. Also I do like a standard shape...scoop neck..I think...but no fancy no back no bras types as I don't look good in them anyway. So for the time being have given up on leotards.....thank goodness for Uniglo....as I wear their tops with tunic over tights etc. Anyone else have this problem?
  21. Hi I may have missed this but I don't think you said how old your daughter actually was? If she is very early teens this could be a reaction to developing puberty and becoming more self conscious generally and may need adjusting time however something else may have sparked this off which hopefully you will find out eventually. I am truly sorry to hear that her dancing teacher described her as fat....I really think this is disgraceful....as these sort of comments can lead to girls becoming super sensitive about their weight and worse. However you've had some excellent advice already and I'm sure she'll be okay soon. I know one of my friends sons went through a rather in communicative stage where only vague grunts of hallo and goodbye were to be got from him but now you can talk to him about anything discuss books you've read etc the lot!
  22. Well I bet there are lots of people who have hobbies which are important to them who make decisions about where they live based on whether they can easily practice them....golf as one comes to mind!!! If I absolutely had to move house now I would want there to be a ballet class within at least a 20 mile radius! Ive probably only a couple of years now before knees start being too much of a problem for ballet so would want to make the most of what is available!
  23. Yes I think performing gives all the ballet classes a proper meaning. I enjoyed my time performing with the Chelsea Ballet in the 70's and 80's inspite of some venues being terrifying to perform in....but lots were in Old People's Homes and I know this gave a lot of pleasure to the residents in them. I really enjoy learning repertoire when get the chance but I wish there were more choreographic style classes in general.....where the centre practice takes the form of creating little pieces of choreography instead of being so technique based. Years ago when studying with Roger Tulley in his studio in Kensington he had a lovely choreographic class every Friday with the luxury of a very accomplished pianist(David Ward). This was the highlight of my week....beautiful music but one had to be on ones toes to remember everything....a wonderful experience though and you connected to the people in that class in a different way.
  24. Sounds like you've found an ideal class ....always a great feeling when everything comes together like that. Hope you continue to enjoy it.
  25. I know this comment refers to slightly older kids but I happened to sit next to someone who worked at RBS at the student performance in 2011. I was saying how difficult it must be for obviously really talented dancers who had been through whole Royal experience and then were not offered places in the company. But this person(sorry whose name escapes me) said it was quite common for ex RBS students to go and work abroad for a couple of years and then tobe offered a place in the Company at a later date. So it seems if you keep at it all you young ballet students dreams can still be achieved but maybe when not expecting it!!
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