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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. Wow, Julies done a lot of work here. Dancingtodance I wish more students could be like you and be as motivated into finding out as much as they can about anything that interests them, never mind dance. With this approach in life you will do very well. Just be aware that at these schools everyone's experience and opinions are different so don't be too swayed by either the horror stories or the wonderful ones!! Also standards of teaching can vary and emphasis change according to the staff employed at the time- its not uncommon to go to a school expecting certain teachers and finding they've moved on. This is another reason why its difficult to make accurate comparisons as things are constantly evolving. School websites are useful indicators as to whether the training is predominantly ballet or whether they include other genres (eg jazz, contemporary.) good luck
  2. They only got back from Ireland today and are off to Buxton tomorrow so I guess it won't be just yet. They surpassed themselves by getting results out so soon!
  3. I hope so too. At least she knows her DNA is there forever!
  4. My ds did Central two years in a row and loved it. And definitely had teachers from the main school- in fact it was a chance for me to have a good catch up chat with one whom I knew.. But that was about three years ago. Two of ds friends went too and also loved it but one of my other students didn't like it at all! You can't please everyone. I would certainly recommend it though.
  5. Brilliant post katy custard!
  6. The company is always interested in new venues so do lobby your local theatres. Especially if they are good at marketing . Sadly some theatres don't pull their weight. A lot of the Alice shows have been sold out this tour thanks to good local publicity and a growing army of returning fans (Tunbridge Wells for example) . However others do next to no promotion which is heart-breaking for the dancers . So if anyone is within reach of Rickmansworth please go and support them on Friday June 21st! Incidentally the performance lasts two hours including the interval, just perfect in y opinion!
  7. At 5ft 10ins my ds was too short to be considered for some companies. He has done workshops with McRae though and is indeed taller than him!
  8. No problem. I know I am biased as my ds is in the company but Ballet Theatre UK really is well worth a visit and they have received excellent reviews that are nothing to do with me! The productions are all new and original with stunning costumes (made to fit the dancers not the other way round!) and the dancers really commit to every performance. ( amongst travelling companies same is true of Northern and Ballet Black) Alice is a real little gem, even my non Ballet fan step dad liked it! I have to say it is nothing like the Royal's version as being non subsidised it hasn't the same budget for starters! Anyone within reach of Watersmeet, Rickmansworth on Friday June 21st? (on underground network). I will be going and would love to say hello to any ballet.coers!
  9. Wayhay! Very well done to you Swanprincess! Can't tell you how pleased I am - feel like a mum ha ha.. And yes, impressive turn around from BTUK! They are on a ferry now! edited to add well done to balletdogs too!
  10. Well its definitely worth doing a dvd and getting photos ready just in case. It will help you feel in control if you have plans b,c and d in place. Then I'd wait to see how he gets on at summer school. And it may be that his teacher stays after all. And if your ds stayed one more year would that complete his current academic studies? If so he could keep in touch with this teacher (if indeed he does leave) and look at more training with him once current academic pressures ease. That way you would be sure that he has given other teachers fair consideration, you can learn so much from so many... Like Spanner, I too thought of Melissa Hamilton who left Elmhurst to train with Masha Mukhamedov when that teacher left the school.
  11. They are based in Hinckley, Leicestershire. All tour dates and information is on their website. They also have a facebook page. BalletTheatreUK.com
  12. Well I do hope folks enjoyed the show in Hayes. Any Irish forum members out there? BTUK are in Colraine tomorrow (29th May), Strule on Thursday and Newtownabbey on Friday.
  13. And even if the graduates don't get into the Royal Ballet they get snapped up by companies worldwide. I know many who trained at RB from age 11 in this happy position. And I can certainly vouch from personal experience for the quality of training at WL- again I know many who did not then go to US for various reasons but sill ultimately ended up with good contracts. But this thread was about Ms Brind's observations. I for one don't measure the success of British Ballet by the number of British principals in just one company! Personally I don' mind what Nationality a dancer is as long as they are right for the company they are performing with. Getting a job as a classical ballet dancer, (or in any genre for that matter) is extremely hard for all Nationalities. The fact that so many British trained dancers do get employment is testament to how well they are being taught!
  14. So thrilled to hear that the auditionees were well looked after and had a good time. I will be very impressed if you get the results by the end of the week though. The company are all off to Ireland today for a short tour and return Saturday.
  15. I don't actually know! But she is quite young and as I am guessing you are around 15 you probably won't be in the same group. Re leotard do check that whatever style you choose accentuates your good points, the one you describe sounds lovely but check that it doesn't make your body look too long, neck too short and that your shoulders look even! Above all feel comfortable so that you can really dance- for example don't wear a camisole if it makes you feel too exposed (am thinking of one of my inters who constantly fidgeted with hers!) If you do go with plain black then put a very discreet coloured bow either at the top or the bottom of your bun to help identify you.... Best of all look like you love dancing and have the capacity to work hard! I presume you've seen the company so know how expressive they are. Good luck!
  16. Its a lovely leotard but please don't wear it to audition. The colour is fine but you need a more classical style! Good luck and show you enjoy your dancing!
  17. Nothing planned yet so open to suggestions...... Maybe on the Harpenden Summer School thread though so as not to hijack this one!!
  18. Yes a variation is a solo from a Ballet, eg one of the fairies in Sleeping Beauty. I also love La fille mal gardee- the juniors did a great rendition of the chicken dance last year at Harpenden Summer Dance School with ds as the rooster! Good luck with the audition I have a pupil going too, as I presume you are talking about Ballet Theatre UK?
  19. Yes that's him alright! An inspirational young man.
  20. I complained too- not only did they not reply but I stopped getting marketing e-mails from them as well....
  21. With Julie on this one, I even got a letter published in a dance magazine once bemoaning the way ballet marketing is very geared towards girls. Apart from making it impossible to find something suitable for a boy I also detest the way Ballet is portrayed as pink and glittery when it is anything but! (needless to say as a child I saw myself as tragic Giselle rather than sugar plum fairy...) Many girls hate pink too but love to dance!
  22. And very good you all are at it too!!
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