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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. She certainly is and I am looking forward to working with her again! Sadly for us our regular guest Nicola Bowden is away this year. If anyone requires information about the summer school please feel free to pm me.
  2. Unfortunately in this country it is still possible for non qualified teachers to set up dance classes. Things like public liability insurance are a legal requirement, formal dance training isnt!. However to be registered with a dance body eg Rad,Istd requires undertaking very comprehensive training either at a college such as Rad or via distance learning. Training to become a Ballet teacher DOES NOT involve merely learning a syllabus.in fact in practical teaching sessions reliance on set work is frowned upon. Understanding of both subject and pupils is far more important. And aside from the considerable number of supervised teaching hours there is lots of written work and courses to attend such as anatomy.safe teaching practise.history etc. Ive only scratched the surface here and my knowledge is based on Rad. The best way to find out about teaching is first ask your teachers and then contact organisations about what their courses involve. Incidentally having qualified you are then required to maintain cpd.A good teacher never stops learning.
  3. Just to say the closing date has now passed but there are a few junior and jazz spaces. Melanie Agar and Richard Raynard are confirmed as guest teachers.
  4. Very true. We were sent very good information after ds completed his diploma explaining how he only has to do a years further study at some point in order to now get a degree on top of his three A levels.Some people choose not to do A levels as the diploma is hard work inself. Ds actually found the written side of this harder than the Alevels.
  5. Its really down to the individual.Some manage,some dont My ds did find that he couldnt do any dance in the morning because he was tied up with academics. But he didnt mind as he had chosen Tring for academics. However he did drop one subject in order to concentrate on three and was very pleased with his eventual grades.His dancing didnt suffer as the vocational staff were excellent and like others in his year he secured a contract before the end of the 3rd year. One of his best friends however gave up the idea of dancing professionally,worked her socks off and is now at Cambridge. Others however struggled,its not easy at all!
  6. Yes both Anthony Dowell and Marguerite Porter are pretty wonderful aren't they? It was all boys the year I watched, again mostly Royal but one also at least one young man from ENB that year. It was certainly enjoyable to watch.
  7. No problem, I should have been more specific!
  8. You beat me to it spanner, I certainly was referring to masterclass! I know the students on the dvd are from Elmhurst.ds knows ome!
  9. Of course. The students are together 24/7 in a fairly confined environment so it stands to reason that if one students contracts an illness more will follow. And because they are doing such physically demanding work,they will be more susceptible at their age. Id rather my child be immunised than get flu! Ds says medical staff very nice!
  10. Very true. Many of the schools have choreography competitions which are considered vital to the students developments Even my own weekly ballet school years ago had them. And students in the schools I teach at are frequently allowed to choreograph, I often use their ideas in shows.....
  11. Nearly always a select few from RBS!
  12. Harpenden Summer Dance School has a handful of places left . Closing date is 31st July. 19th - 23rd August 2013 Feel free to pm for further details. Any forms received after the closing date will be considered if places are available on a first come first served basis.
  13. Derinately a good idea to get audition experience. But the schools dont hold places open for the next year,you have to reaudition. A nd yes Its a clean slate although if they remember you and youve shown improvement thats a plus!
  14. Thank you so much.. Im hoping to explĂ´re as many options as possible in the hope of getting at least one replica!
  15. Thankyou so much, I may well end up doing that. Will be happy to reimburse for materials and time!
  16. Can any of you clever people recreate my ds first teddy from a photo? it was knitted by special needs pupils when I was expecting him and he treasured it. It even went to WL! Unfortunately it was thoughtlessly discarded (long, very upsetting story). He has expressed a desire to have a new one for his 21st. Now I can knit but only with a pattern and I only have a photo! So can anyone help? I can email picture!
  17. I thinks its right not to only showcase those who got into Upper School. The choreographers should be free to pick who is best for their piece for starters and it also demonstrates that those who didn't get into Upper School aren't necessarily less talented, just perhaps not right for Upper School training. I know of many very talented dancers who trained at White Lodge but then didn't get into Upper School. But they still got good professional contracts after completing their training elsewhere. I think year all 11s at White Lodge should have equal opportunities to get chosen for pieces regardless of their next stage in training. Afterall they are still part of the school and if they are right for a piece they should also be showcased. It would be quite wrong in my opinion to allow only those who were going to Upper School to perform!
  18. Tring does. Or did! Its worth contacting the schools and asking directly
  19. I tend to watch the companies, in some cases seeing different casts if time and budget allows. I do like to see Laura Morera at RB so do tend to book accordingly, likewise there is one RB dancer we avoid. In some companies eg BRB, Northern, BalletBlack and Ballet TheatreUk there are dancers I know so naturally I support them if I can.
  20. In that case please do contact us, you never know, she may be able to at least do intermediate and jazz. We do try to accommodate everyone if possible. I'm very happy to accept pms from interested people. Just wanted to warn folks in general not to leave it too late, especially regular customers used to leaving it until the last minute. Last year the Olympics affected numbers and we nearly had to close, this year its (happily for us) the opposite problem (unless you are an advanced or junior student!)
  21. hfbrew

    Room 101

    Wasps. need I say more?
  22. Well said, I know of many first rate UK dancers in both well known and lesser known smaller companies. Surely Northern springs to mind automatically as being a first rate company with lots of excellent British dancers! I could say more about some other smaller touring companies who would justifiably be very upset about being judged 4th rate but that would veer off the thread somewhat!
  23. There are still a couple of spaces left if your dd wanted a weeks pass (eg 3 or more classes per day). But hopefully she will be able to do the other summer school! If not please pm me and I will see if I can help at all, we 've had people get in off the waiting list before.
  24. No, but your dd is safely on the register (for now!!!!!) But she may like to hurry her friends along....
  25. hfbrew

    Room 101

    Am exhausted. Parents watching day! Not the specific event itself but the parents who talk loudly and incessantly throughout the class, allow toddlers to wonder around and who are constantly playing with phones.... Actually made a point of asking EVERYONE to be quiet at one point. Bless the little 5 year old who said in a nice clear voice "but some of the grown ups are still talking!" That did have the desired effect for a little while at least.
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