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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. And I should add that there was a lovely Ballet piece in the middle called the Artiste which reminded me of one of my favourite films, An American in Paris..
  2. Well its not Ballet but I saw a glorious evening of song and mostly dance at Swindon last week. Check out www.french can-can.com. The dancers from Ballet Theatre Uk nearly gave me heart failure with their breathtaking antics and the Moulin Rouge inspired costumes are out of this world. So not Ballet but do check out tour dates for an evening of high quality dance nonetheless!
  3. What little male work they showed was to my eyes demanding but enjoyable- certainly would have suited my ds and I am looking forward to teaching it to my senior boys. Definitely worth a try DavidW! I too am delighted that girls can wear tutus again. I also liked the progression through from the new intermediate too. Some of the choreography is going to lead to interesting interpretations though.....
  4. Just wanted to say a big rather belated thankyou to everyone who came and made this summer school such a success. The kind comments posted on this forum have been very much appreciated by us. We enjoyed meeting so many people from around the country and are so pleased you enjoyed yourselves! I would have posted sooner but a mercy dash to ds sustaining hamstring injury half an hour after summer school finished followed by my dhs knee op the following week meant that this summer school quickly became a pleasant memory! We celebrrate 10 years next year 18th-22nd August 2014. Hall is already booked! Do hope to see some of you again then. Will let folks know when website is updated in a few months time!
  5. Ive known students get into 6th form,both male and female who did not have all splits. Ive also had very flexible advanced students who were unsuccessful. I did not seriously begin to stretch until 15 or 16 and couldnt touch my toes at that age but was down in splits by the time I danced professionally. Never quite achieved box though. So there is hope but your dd has to be consistent and safe with stretching. Flexibility is not the only thing looked at in auditions, the ability to dance is more important! Incidently my professional ds is not in full box either..
  6. hfbrew

    Good Luck!

    We wouldn't have it any other way though would we?
  7. You are enabling your ds to fulfill his dream. Thats what matters. And you won't stop being his lovely parents. Enjoy his excitement at being with like minded peers, it was the making of our only child. 9 years later for us and like many of his friends he is loving life as a professional dancer and shudders at the thought of 9-5 regular work. Good luck. He will always be your loving ds.
  8. hfbrew

    Good Luck!

    Good luck to everyone starting a new term wherever it may be! From those in reception to those starting University! But of course special thoughts to our young dancers. Bottle openers and charged mobiles ready parents...
  9. Very true, two were ds best friends and now dance professionally.
  10. I also like BRBs version but Id personally choose the Royal Ballet. The battle scene with the White Lodgers always a highlight for me!
  11. Can do. If they show enough potential at audition. Thats the theory but I dont know whether this has ever actually happened. However I have known of students only having minimal experience before training full time.
  12. Well I love The Royal Ballets version but that does hold special memories. Ballet Theatre UK are doing a production. Its an excellent company very suitable for first timers to the Ballet as their productions are only two hours long. The tour dates are on their website although Im not sure if there are that many shows in that area.
  13. And I remember how little English he spoke! Didn't stop the girls swooning though!
  14. This is so interesting, I do hope they can find all the information they are looking for. I can't quite remember when I first saw Northern but it was probably about 1987. Daniel de Andrade was in my year at Hammond.
  15. Talking of bumping into people my son auditioned in Vienna and got talking to another auditionee. Turned out that not only were they both from the same town but also live on the same road!
  16. oh yes, every summer holiday along with Robinson Crusoe!!
  17. This is true of adv 1 too.
  18. I remember Ballet for All. I still have my programme! It was my first opportunity to see proper Ballet live.
  19. A little pupil of mine proudly proclaimed that the patella was a fruitella! Once found myself saying put your feet in bras bas....(it had been a long day!) And my grade 1s call soubresauts "super sauts"
  20. Thats the spirit,youve still done very well.Sometimes sessions go this way.
  21. Yes those were the days that passed at first attempt was a badge of pride! These days the marking system is so much more transparent and not as subjective. All my vocational students passed with distinction which would have been unheard of when I first started teaching!
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