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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. No she doesnt, its an optional exam. And in actual fact you only need to do vocational exams in order to be eligible for some competitions or if you are considering teaching. Vocational grades are also an indicator of current standard when applying for post 16 courses. Artistic directors dont care about such exams though, just what they see at an audition and cv. Where one is trained matters more, for example a Tring gradute will be known to have had a varied, all round training.
  2. I am only guessing here but I suspect the main reasons for anyone not continuing on the programme would be more to do with lack of commitment and respect for the programme, eg people's continued abscence without good reason. They would then obviously prefer those odd places to go to students who are making it their first priority.
  3. it depends on how many spaces at each age level.
  4. Not that many I wouldnt have thought. However there will be some places left unfilled by those who changed their minds or had other commitments. Its good that Tring have another round of auditions so that spaces get filled. Good luck!
  5. You are right Julie the associates from that time have done very well even if they didnt all go to or complete WL.Just goes to show how successful the associate scheme is in spotting future dancers!
  6. Thankyou for this, as you can see from my most recent post I had already apologised for my mistake! Interested to see Zuchetti was at Upper school for a bit though, and Matthew Golding.
  7. hfbrew

    Dance clashes

    Suggest you discuss the matter with both CBA and the pantomime folks. Sorry not to be more help but if you dont communicate openly with both parties Id worry about jeopardising your dcs place, especially with Tring CBA seeing she was one of the lucky few to successfully audition for the programme. Which dates did you know about first? If the pantomime wasnt clear at the outset about required commitments then I feel they should understand prior arrangements. Good luck!
  8. Incorrect head and eye line plus sloppy feet!
  9. Also look at the profiles of Luca and Helenita the 2 Spanish Dancers on Ballettheatreuk.com. They both seem to have trained in Madrid at different schools.
  10. I hope you enjoy it! I saw it in Solihull last night and thought the company did a fine job with so few dancers and limited funds! As normal I hesitate to write a review because I cant offer a neutral view (especially watching my ds! ) But I did witness quite a few people expressing their appreciation personally at the end, some of whom had never seen Ballet before. I asked if they would now go and see more and they all said yes. So hopefully they will!
  11. I know its expensive but its a good idea to go for at least a couple of auditions over and above your preferred places especially it means getting audition experience earlier. And sometimes it really pays to make up ones own mind about places rather than be influenced by others good or bad opinions.
  12. Yes! But only if you audition! Nothing ventured, nothing gained... Its good to be realistic though in order to prepare for possible/probable disappointment. But unless you try you never know! And anyone who auditions should be proud of taking that step because by proving you can go through it you prove you can pretty much tackle anything!
  13. Oops got Zuchetti mixed up with someone else- sorry. Thought Id better own up to my mistake! Last I heard of Matthew Ball was he had to have an operation. I believe Solomon joined in the summer. He was once a JA too. Just been recalling statistics from the original yr7 WLs that my ds was in. 22 had been JAs. 12 of these are now in professional Ballet companies. And these are just the ones I know about!
  14. Many RBS graduates are snapped up by companies abroad, as indeed are many students from British vocational schools. And as pointed out on other threads some choose to go abroad, especially if they ve been offered soloist work straight away. I wonder if people in say Stuttgart are upset that some of their top dancers are not German? And after being abroad some ex White Lodgers do come back to RB such as Zuchettii and Golding, others continue to flourish in companies better suited to their talents. It is testament to British training in general that the best graduates are still in demand everywhere. Anyway this is veering off topic, so once again congratulations to the young graduates who are the topic of this thread and indeed any others successful in finding work in this day and age!
  15. The assessing out precedure was what bothered me most and would have been the main reason for preventing my ds from going to WL had I had my way. There werent lots of ballet.coers then with reassuring stories about how assessing out, although upsetting, ultimately led to more sympathetic training and then jobs! As has been said already its really not possible to even give average figures as each year varies so widely. In my ds year 18 of the original 24 spent 5 years at WL. However the year above was almost completely different in year 11 than in year 7.And again this was for a variety of reasons. Who knows how anyones life will work out? But surely its better to at least try (albeit with open eyes) than wonder what if? Sorry not as good with words as Anjuli!
  16. Yes, Reece was indeed a JA and White Lodger. As are others who have joined the company such as Anna Rose O Sullivan. In fact looking at current list I can see quite a few who were at White Lodge!
  17. I too cant understand why she is constantly overlooked, not only is she an exciting dancer but she is also a great actress. I saw her Manon and she was as ever fabulous.
  18. Enjoy and cherish every moment.
  19. I to correct several little girls the other day who in all seriousness thought my sons job title was ballerina!
  20. Then there was the time I had a costume malfunction during a jolly group dance so the company danced in such a way as to whoever ended next to me had to take steps to preserve my modesty until I could safely retreat backstage. My ds has reported trying to do up fastenings on girls tutus whilst dancing with them. And I have seen him remove an annoying collar, totally in character- in a flambouyant gesture, I thought the move should be kept in!
  21. Thankyou so much for putting the link on. My ds and a close friend made plans to travel the UK when they were at WL. Its funny that both are now doing exactly that albeit with different companies!
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