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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. Contact Freeds about pointe shoe fitting training!
  2. Congratulations Teo! Since he joined Enb I personally had not heard much about him at all so a move will do him good especially having been all the way through the Royal system from JAs. At least 5O% of the original year that Teo joined WL with are now professional dancers which I think is very good. Two are now with Royal!
  3. Sounds interesting but dont you mean accepting rather than excepting?! They have quite different meanings!
  4. My ds took about 6 weeks to decide over 6th form places but we made sure that we kept in contact with all of them. I got very crafty at asking questions to stall for time.
  5. Loved the photos of Alex Jones. So grateful to those for posting as me and dh too ill to go!
  6. Yes, as I understand it Royal dont do RAD now. But in my experience students at vocational schools are not always that well prepared due to timetable constraints. They may be technically proficient but if they have not been made aware of all the settings then this can be a disadvantage. They will not necessarily been doing RAD syllabus classes, for example my ds had just 6 before his advanced 2! So hold your own if you get vocational students examining with you are theres a good chance you will have a better idea of whats needed. Where I teach we do suggest stamina training though, its a tough exam. Good luck x
  7. If all of us ballet.coers light a candle then surely Anjuli will feel the love from across the Atlantic!
  8. I am sure that others can give you a fuller reply but do prepare both sides for adage as the examiner can ask for either.
  9. This may sound a silly question but what time will that be in England?Id like to light a candle at the right time for you!
  10. There is a thread on Ballet Theatre UKs Nutcracker and it seems to have been well received. Whats on stage gave it 4 stars. I am afraid that they dont use children but the story is well told nonetheless!
  11. I saw their Swan Lake last year and there was no orchestra at the venue , Grove Theatre, Dunstable. I wouldnt have minded if it had not been billed s such. And yes I did spend more than is usual and the lead dancer was worth every penny. But otherwise the dancers were bored and I felt my ds year 9 at WL performed better! Whats annoying is the many theatres chose this production instead of Ballet Theatre UKs simply because they were Russian and "a quality production" to use the words from one of my local theatres. Someone once told me that this company uses students (have no idea if this is true)but it could explain the variety of artists! I havent seen the Moscow company but have been told that they are better!
  12. Where I am based the cheapest hall hire is £20 per hour so that is a factor as is cost of pianists in addition to teachers and assistants.And there are also insurances to factor in too!And there is also a limit on class size. So depending on what you are getting for your money then the prices quoted above are very good value.
  13. Absolutely. Laines students have to be immaculate.One of my ex students loved it there by the way. For some reason she once went in with pink hair and was full of trepidation when called to see Miss Laine who strongly abvised her to keep the look as it suited her!
  14. I do think that for seniors ie post 16 then a little flattering makeup is fine. However its a good idea to look at the websites of the schools you are auditioning for and their rules concerning wearing make up or grooming for existing pupils. If heavy make up is not allowed for pupils then it makes sense not to go to audition caked in it! I would also advise men and boys look at rules concerning hair For example when at WL my ds always had to have short hair. Guess what I am saying is, when auditioning try to look the part....
  15. She can wear a whole bouquet but I really would advise against it! Perhaps a discreet little bow or diamonte pin but really not fussy at all.Good luck!
  16. Sounds to me as though you are musical! I cant bear to dance without music and it breaks my heart when I see dancers in class seemingly oblivious to a passionate pianist playing away in the corner! If I am observing at vocational schools I love playing name that tune in my head! Give me a musically aware dancer rather than a gymnast anytime!
  17. Natalia Butragueno to ENB, Pascal Johnson to Scottish and Lloyd Petchey and Philip Tunstall to Serbia, all in past few months so the third years due to graduate in summer 2013 although some of these left during this year to take these contracts. I found all this information in the news section of Tring Parks website.
  18. This is true. And two have joined Serbian National Ballet earlier in the year as did another to English National Ballet.
  19. http://www.whatsonstage.com/england-theatre/reviews/11-2013/the-nutcracker-rickmansworth_32547.html Hope this link works as its a nice review of Sundays performance. The fact that I was there with 160 pupils has nothing to do with it!!
  20. Thank you so much for flagging this up Porthesia, even I didnt know full details. It was a last minute invitation from Brighton, well after rest of the tour dates were finalised which is why details are not on website. Do support them if you can, you can especially as the dancers were expecting to have finished the tour on the 23rd so they would love an appreciative audience!
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