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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. If your letter does say that he is a strong contender for mids then in my experience it is not a comment made to everyone and therefore likely to be true!
  2. I think its best that you son just concentrates on his solo rather than getting stressed about doing the optional drama piece! As others have said, if its an mds you are after then only the classical ballet is looked at. At finals all they do is a Ballet class. I know this both from a parent snd as a teachers experience. So please just make sure he can dance for a minute with confidence. The solo is only seen once so he just has to dance his heart out and not worry if the choreograpy is accurate!
  3. Well you might be reassured to know that when she died the White Lodgers were called into a special assembly to be told the news which was then relayed to me by ds. There is also a beautiful bust of her on display at the school. One of the features of White Lodge is that students do learn about the heritage of British Ballet there.
  4. So was I! Im going on 10th Feb! Have booked to see her especially.
  5. Go for it! The solo need only be simple as its to show performance and love of dance. Your ds teacher should know how best to show this. Dont get hung up about it,just enjoy the experience.
  6. It shows that they were interested in her! No doubt they saw what her teacher sees and needed to check things such as actual degree of flexibility, whether its even both sides and whether hips are level for example. Your dd should be proud that whatever the outcome she was definately noticed in the audition! But I hasten to add to anyone out there who didn't get the hands on treatment, that that doesn't mean that they werent noticed too!!
  7. Yes, good luck and enjoy. Allow plenty of travel time and if possible have spares of everything. Warm up well and avoid unsafe stretching beforehand. Live the moment, one day you will be like me and certain other forum members looking on and thinking gosh, that was us 10 years ago.... yes , 10! And we lived to tell the tale. In fact we are on the sequel now!
  8. Your daughter sounds very happy and I do think you are right to tell prospective students about the London Russian Ballet School as many wont have considered it and its certainly worth a look,especially for more academic minded students.Do continue to extol this schools merits! However as I said in my earlier post I caution against implying that its the " only" place that offers such facilities as A levels or trial sessions. Of course each school is unique but I have found that schools often recognise that they are not necessarily the best as such because different students suit different places. For the record my ds studied 4 A levels alongside his dance diploma and he was not the only one by a long way. And Im not just talking about one establishment here. And as a teacher Ive known places giving trial runs (other than summer school) too! So at a risk of repeating myself, yes London Russian School sounds great and Ive alresdy heard about how great the teaching is but please dont assume that there are no other vocstional schools are not offering similar facilities! Edited cos I didnt have glasses on the first time...
  9. My ds loves it when people wait and ask for his autograph!
  10. Meggy, it doesnot matter what style the solo is in. I also know for a fact that they dont mind seeing set exam dances, for example a variation or study from one of the grades. One of my students did this with her own "improvements" as she called them and was still offered a place.They are looking at candidates ability to perform, not the choreography. Having said that if your daughter has time I also know a self choreographed piece is always welcomed! And I also know a dodgy version of sugar plum fairy definately a no no! Good luck
  11. It sounds excellent and definately worth a look at by aspiring young students. However I would caution against sweeping statements such as "no other school offers"... For starters both Tring and Legat offer a good range of A levels and they are not necessarily the only ones. As for pedigree of teachers all of the vocational schools can boast similar ilumni of all nationalities. The Russians are rightly held in high regard which is why their methods are also found in other vocational school alongside the rich traditions of other styles (eg French, Danish etc) I am also perturbed by the statement concerning "a proper degree" as this sounds very dismissive of the genuine qualifications that many young dance students work very hard to attain at places such as Central. If such degrees were not "proper" ones then these places would not be getting the requisite accreditation by the Council for Dance Education and Training needed to operate. I wish The London Russian Ballet School every success, it already has a reputation for high standards. And it is these high standards that need to be shouted from the roof tops not claims that may not necessarily be strictly accurate as far as other places are concerned. For example Ive known other places allow a walk around and viewing before deciding whether to audition or not! In my experience all the vocational schools are far more "open" and accessible than even a few years ago but obviously within reason as they have to run a normal timetable for their existing students which is why open days exist!
  12. True.And in some cases being taught to fish helps correct a sickle foot which looks far worse. Certainly helped ds who actually cant physically "fish" but engaging the muscles required stopped his foot sickling when in attitude or arabesque. But going back to placement/hipline, all good teachers know that it should not be sacrificed for height of leg!
  13. I am predominantly an RAD teacher and I too would not endorse the techniques described. Its a only a matter of weeks since my last RAD course and its still very much a case of correct placement rather than height of leg! Quite right too. Please dont think all RAD teachers are like as descrbed in original post!
  14. As far as I know there are no plans to change the upper grades yet. We teachers will have enough to do in 2015 when the new 4 and 5 grades start to be examined and the current ones cease to be. And there is no rule about skipping grades. Ive had a student miss grade 6 for example due to Duke of Edinburgh awards who will do grade 7 this term. Another student went off to another school after getting a distinction at grade 5 and missed out 6 and 7 entirely and did grade 8 instead! So definately no rule as such although I personally feel students should do 6,7and 8. If nothing else it amasses lots of ucas points...
  15. And tell him to warm up properly, ignore competitive stretching (which shows lack of knowledge of how to prepare for class properly anyway) and remember that the time to show off is in the audition itself! Its the panel that needs to be impressed, not fellow candidates! Enjoy and good luck..that goes for everyone reading this who is auditioning for any dance course!
  16. You are so right, I couldnt have put it better myself. And the quality of education was a big deciding factor for us. My ds says he probably would not have continued dancing had he had to go to ordinary state school (the local authority did not issue him one anyway)Some people are lucky to have access to excellent dance schools who can offer like for like training perhaps alongside associates too. If they are also lucky to have a good academic school then the chances are that they will still have a realistic chance of full time training at 16 or even 18. Everyones circumstances are indeed different, there is no right or wrong path other than what suits the child and family. But for what its worth Ive observed far more stress in my teenage ballet students trying to fit in school, ballet. Jobs and general living than I ever did in ds. I think opting to stay at home is just as hard a decision as going away!
  17. I remember mad videos! Joyous moments of boys jumping over ditches, climbing trees, water fights...I honestly believe my ds had a better quality of life than if he stayed at home an only child who didnt fit in with local football mad kids.Of course it wasnt easy and we missed him terribly but couldnt help but be happy for him at the same time. And even though he is a grown man I still miss him and I havent had to see him leave the country to follow his dreams! Being a parent is for life and all we can do is provide the best opportunities we can in whatever circumstances we find ourselves to ensure our children thrive and become decent, contented and independant human beings. Good luck to all auditioning, try to live and enjoy the moment. You have ballet.co for support whereas when ds was auditioning there wasnt quite the wealth of stories from experienced suffering parents to learn from! Mind you had there been I might have got my way, not let ds go and possibly condemned him to a lifetime of regret that I see too often in adults...
  18. I never did. Weeps even more...
  19. Thank you and Florence for your kind words.For the record Harpenden Summer School will be 18th-22nd August 2014 (normal week). Website will be updated later in the spring but if anyone wants more information please feel free to pm me. Format and teachers remain constant (why change what works!) Incidentally my ds always found Central very good. He also loved Ybss the year he was lucky enough to get a scholarship to go! Helen Brewer (co-director Harpenden Summer School) Edited to put in year!
  20. Fusster it was the best and worst day when my ds got his WL place. I was dead set against it. You are only expressing what many of us have also felt! In the end ds had to go as he wasnt allocated any other secondary school! So fate definately intervened. Best thing that could have happened as it turned out and he is now dancing professionally.
  21. Be guided by your teacher. Remember advanced foundation is not a compulsory exam and as your dd will have covered the work which is designed to prepare for advanced one then if the teacher thinks shes capable of doing the advanced one why not save some expense and skip the foundation exam? On the other hand if your dd isnt bored and wants to do it then all well and good. She may have learnt the settings quickly but it will take time to perfect the technique and its good that her classes include free work too,sounds like a good teacher!
  22. Presuming there is no way your dd can attend Tring without funding then do as we did. That is say that you are thrilled with the offer but thst there is no way you can afford the deposit. Afterall that is why you asked to be considered for funding. (Congratulations on getting this far btw). I am sure that it used to be the case that just the registration fee was forfeited. Good luck.
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