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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. A quick look at Enb website shows tuition fees this year to be £17000
  2. The theatre is actually quite close to the station if you go the right way! Things always seem further the first time dont they? Anyway Im jealous because you will see ds as Prince before me! This afternoons main roles are Mermaid, Helena Casado Cortes Prince, David Brewer Princess, Ines Ferreira Witch, Claire Corruble Enjoy!
  3. Brilliant! If you let me know whether you are going to matinee or the evening I can let you know the castings.
  4. I too saw Ballet Black on Monday night and was one of the first there so I did get a programme! Ds and I enjoyed watching all of the dancers .We did find Limbo hard going at times but really enjoyed watching the charismatic Jacob Wye in this piece. Loved Two of a Kind, so musical and cleanly danced. And was thrilled to see Dream within a Midsummers Night Dream, surreal yes but great fun. I agree with everything the above two posters said so will leave it at that as they have put it into words so much better than I !
  5. Brilliant! Will set sky oncce Ive finished putting Swan Lake on disc! Thanks Janet
  6. Well I finally got my first viewing of this in Swindon last night. I went in order to catch Clair Corruble as Mermaid and she was magnificent and perfectly partnered by the handsome Luca Verone. Jess Hill played the sea witch with relish. As usual all the dancers were a joy to watch, one that stood out for me was Julia Davies. And David Brewer was great too but I would say that... As ever with Btuk the costumes were stunning and I loved the set too. The story was told very effectively through the clever choreography. Yes it did make me cry but it is all done sensitively and the young children in the audience were spellbound. As is my wont I got talking to fellow audience members and was very gratified when a mother came up to me to say her daughter now wanted to see all the Ballets. Job done, well done BTUK. Have to wait until Dunstable now for my next two viewings with different casts. And to see ds be the prince....
  7. Sounds like he is a lovely young man doing a worthwhile course. And with all that female attention who can blame him for wanting to stay put? And he chose to stay put, with you, his lovely mum. If he had gone all those years ago you could very well now be writing about regrets over that too. He really does sound very normal to me and you are to be congratulated for not pushing him into life changes he is not ready for yet.
  8. Im a ballet teacher and the schools I work work with, if we cant provide the lessons then we recommend those that do. We do like people to be honest though about attending other schools so we can advise accordingly.
  9. This has brought back fond memories for me as a mum, thank you!The memory? My ds first performance on a tiny hall stage for the elderly users of it. After the show he disappeared. Frantic moments followed while we searched. Cue sounds of laughter and applause, yep , ds dressed just in his underwear in front of the stage curtain soaking up the performance buzz at just 4 years old! Now he is paid for it!
  10. I come from a cricket mad family. Although I have to say I was not as enthusiastic. Nonetheless my brothers ensured I could play and understand the game. I always enjoyed playing and tried without success to get my school to allow girls to participate in cricket, not just the boys. Years later the county cricket secretary who also was ordained, conducted my wedding- his first!
  11. You are right taxi for ballet,these are all valid reasons why some older students may be in inter foundation. I did chuckle at point 5! But the original post mentions a 15 year who has been in the grade a long time. Now I know lots of students will never be ready but it seems that in this case the student was working towards the exam and because of this schools policies will have to wait longer which seems pointless to me. Obviously it may be that a lot of non syllabus is taught rather than focussing just on the set work in which case then the students are still getting variety in their training, and perhaps its the only class at a senior level in this school. Still doesnt excuse the teachers insensitivity. And I really get annoyed when I hear about teachers only entering students if they will get high 80s. This is pure and simply syllabus teaching for the sake of ones records and not to my mind a proper education in Ballet. I do teach syllabus and I value exams but not to the exclusion of all the steps not included in any one grade. I am so glad I teach in schools where all students are encouraged- we have very large sessions. And we are pleased with all successful results. High 80s are the exception rather than the norm but it hasnt mattered one jot to the all vocational schools who have taken on our students. (The only school Ive never had a pupil at is Elmhurst,simply because Ive had no applicants for it!)
  12. We give out letters and if Im unsure I write a note asking the parent to discuss options. Im appalled at A. The way it was publicly announced who, or who was not doing the exam, in front of parents. B.why on earth is a pupil still doing inter foundation at 15 if the teacher had no intention of entering her? Afterall its not a compulsory exam. She should at least be moved to intermediate now. If the schools I teach at did what this teacher did we would be out of business!
  13. You are right Bluebird.The rudiments of partnering are taught right from the start of year 7. As the pupils get older pas de deux gets more advanced and certainly when my ds was at White Lodge the young men (they are referred to as men from year 10) were gettin regular sessions of weight training. It certainly isnt all left to the last couple of years of RBS.
  14. Tried a tambourine a few weeks ago whilst waiting for a late pianist. The little girls fell about laughing when I put my hand through it!
  15. Actually no although they probably have a longer life than pointe shoes. And they are cheaper too thank goodness! My ds has to have 2 or 3 pairs per show as being in a small company he has to multi role with many costume changes. And just the last weekend he performed 4 shows so you can imagine the wear and tear on shoes. Only last week I was helping him repair shoes which will help his company's budget a little. They get no arts funding at all.
  16. Ballet Theatre UK also have sponsor a dancer. Ds has had 3 lovely ones!
  17. Ballet Theatre UK also have one. The Red Shoe Appeal. Its at gofundme.com/pwzk. Sorry still cant seem to do direct links at the moment. And this company gets NO arts funding or other public funding at all so any donation, however small is really appreciated!
  18. And its the same for the 12 valiant Btuk dancers. (Referrimg back to last post bar 1!) Their ballet mistress also donned her shoes for a recent performance! They are touring The Little Mermaid at the moment (four shows just this weekend!) and the rest of the tour is pretty extensive but every dancer has to do every show. They really know the meaning of hard work. Good job the company looks after its dancers well!
  19. I just remembered something. All those years ago I did request of the local dance school that they waited until nearly the end of the academic year, the above post (#15)has reminded me that I too was wary of potential bullying and so wanted to wait until year 6 was nearly over. Need not have worried though,all was fine.
  20. I think that if you or your ds is unhappy about it then that should be respected by his current school. If you do agree to let this wonderful achievement be celebrated in the local newspaper you could always ask to be allowed to vet it before it goes to print. I did this when ds was accepted 10 years ago and allowed it as acknowlegement to the local schools who had supported him. (Also my bosses!) And I have to say I still have the cutting when all others who may have read it have long forgotten. For me as a mum its a great keepsake as the reminder of the start of ds journey! So that might be an aspect you may want to consider. As others have said, its quite common to see stories like this in local papers but the fuss dies down by the next edition and only the cuttings made by proud parents survive... Hopefully to be accompanied by favourable reviews in a few years! Good luck on your great adventure by the way, hold on tight...
  21. Thanks for pm and Ive replied. All so exciting, its amazing what no funding but loads of imagination can achieve. Just wish I didnt have to wait so long before seeing it!
  22. I hate sad endings but have been reassured by my ds that the ending is done very tactfully for the sake of young children and sensitive souls like me! I will still take tissues though..
  23. Well it sounds as if you do at least have the support of other staff who obviously recognise your considerable achievements. To have never before been late handing in work etc yet also be able to get to a high standard in both music and Ballet is pretty awesome. I rather think that there might have been heated arguments in the staffroom about you!
  24. Ive been fuming on your behalf so I can well imagine how your mum feels! I agree with the advice youve already been given especially about the letter. Its important you feel that youve done everything you can to get your view point accross. If there is still no improvement well at least you know you tried. And one big positive is that its obviously confirmed to you your passion for dance and has probably made you more determined to succeed! And couldnt you drop biology? Or threaten to...
  25. As a student I was thrilled to be kissed by him when I received an award one open day! I have a photo somewhere as proof!
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