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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. No! Having said that there are more employment opportunities for all round teachers. Most if not all of dance societies (RAD, Istd,Cecchetti etc) have teaching qualifications you can do. Before I trained as a teacher I had only done Ballet (to my regret because even back then it paid to be versatile.) But short answer to your question is that to be a Ballet teacher you do not have to have trained in modern, jazz and tap. Edited to add Spanner and I posted at same time!
  2. Many thanks to students and parents for supporting Harpenden Summer Dance School this year. You lovely people know who you are! Hope you all enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed watching you dance! Next year dates are 24-28th August 2015. Our 10th Anniversary. So please join us if you can!
  3. One of my sons friends didnt get in first attempt, waiting list second attempt, a place third attempt, then got into White Lodge and survived the full 5 years before going to ENB school. And I know lots of professional dancers who were never successful for RBS associates and trained instead at other equally good places. For many students Royal is not necessarily the best place to train! Although I do hasten to add that ds said only today that getting into WL is one of his greatest achievements!
  4. Sorry no, we are not that grand! Although we have had students in the past stay with friends or nearby hotels. In fact I believe at least one student is doing this having met her friend through one of the associate schemes.
  5. Theres a bus ( no 61) from Tring to Luton Station and then train to Harpenden (two stops). But it takes forever. By car its only 30 - 40 mins depending on route and traffic! Such a shame as the hall we use is only a 5 min walk from the train station!
  6. A quick update to say there is still room for advanced students and one or two spaces in all the other classes especially juniors who have dances from la fille mal gardee, Nutcracker and Mary Poppins to look forward to! And if any of our advanced students are reading this who are also doing repertoire it will be a good idea to watch the pas de trois from Swan Lake before coming! My ds (who taught on the Btuk course) has very kindly agreed (or been press ganged...) to do this in order to give students pas de deux experience! And Miss Agar is staying with us all week this year!
  7. This happened to a student of mine many years ago. Unfortunately she hated the whole experience, gave up Ballet and became a renowned violinist instead!
  8. Typical, I threw out loads last week! Although I daresay you werent talking about Disney or Dr Who videos?! I have combined video and dvd player and have successfully saved many treasured videos on to disc.
  9. I can vouch for Nickys excellent teaching as she often guests for us at Harpenden Summer School! Ive also referred my own students to her when Ive felt that they werent getting enough from the schools I teach at.
  10. hfbrew

    Room 101

    My boss retired and there was seemingly a lovely article in the local paper. I was quoted! But the paper never actually spoke to me...
  11. Bit confused by the " first combined training and dance facility" in UK statement? Surely once upon a time, in the Royal Ballets early days, both company and school were on the same premises? And when US were at Barons Court did not the company rehearse there too? I hope those more knowlegable than I clarify. In any case Ballet Theatre UK are shortly moving both school and company on to the same premises too so as to become a joint dance and training facility. Good luck to ENB, I think its about time but they maybe have to drop the "1st in UK" claims. Unless Ive misunderstod their intentions?
  12. My sons first teddy met an unfortunate end at the hands of someone who should have known better. It was of great sentimental value as it was knitted by special needs pupils when I was pregnant. And it went to White Lodge. So when I found a lady who could knit anything I was overjoyed as she was able to produce an excellent replica from photos. So I share your joy thequays!
  13. The people who got the first contracts in my ds year group were actually the ones who were not chosen for big pieces, never selected to dance with the company and not picked for US, generally they just werent favourites but still benefitted from the training because they worked hard. And their experiences have prepared them well for the realities of professional life whereas some of those who appeared to have an easier ride and were always the first to get given opportunities have found it far less easy to cope. Admittedly this is said with the benefit of hindsight because obviously I would have loved ds to have been picked for more roles when he was in training! There was far more national/ character when ds was first at WL. In recent years there has certainly been more Ballet (lucky things) for the younger years whilst maintaining the tradition of the National dances de Valois introduced. And wearing my "dance teachers" hat I have to say that my ds at a young age was not ready to be showcased in Ballet pieces but had opportunities to shine in Russian, Irish and Morris pieces. I love Nelly the Elephant as a user name by the way!
  14. Just a quick update to all our lovely "regulars!" Richard Reynard is back by popular demand as is the lovely Melanie Agar! A gentle reminder to folks to please get your forms in soon!
  15. Well I am so impressed with the folks of Brighton who clearly love Ballet. Btuk perform their 85th (yes, 85!) Little Mermaid at the Brighton Dome tomorrow afternoon and there are not many seats left! If anyone is going who reads this the casting is the superb Claire Corruble as mermaid ( gorgeous stage picture of her on Brighton Dome website) , Luca Verone as prince, Jess Hill is sea witch and Natalie Cawte is Princess. I hope the audience give a big cheer before these dancers have a well earnt holiday! Needless to say I cant go, (more mock exams to conduct!)
  16. I totally agree with Melody's comment that too many people are getting insufficiently trained. The proliferation in recent years of colleges offering dance courses of varying standards devalues the specialist training that our most talented students need because as Melody says, the government points to these courses rather than fund Ballet students to be at our top schools. So we are losing people who have the potential with the right training to get contracts because of the funding issues. There will always be fewer jobs than dancers, its tough out there. Having said that there are more avenues than "teach" or "dance" these days. People I know of who have been through full time vocational training at some of the top schools who havent actually, for various reasons, ended up dancing professionally,are still in worthwhile employment. The answer to the question "Are we training too many dancers?" could be both "No" and "Yes"!
  17. And its on the 2014-15 CBA calendar on Trings website as 29th June.
  18. Im afraid that this is entirely normal. I got into the habit of buying tickets for several shows just in case! We experienced some years of ds lucky to be in just one piece to one year of being chosen for everything and having the choice of which he wanted to do. One of my students at RBS Upper School was only on in the defile one year,this wasnt unusual either. It was ever thus. Even 30 years ago at Hammond the nearest I got to the stage one year was sitting in the wings as understudy. Yes it is tough. But as Tulip says this is preparing for professional life.
  19. Naturally I agree with all Spanner says. It was a particularly strong performance last night. All credit to the dancers who had had a 5 hour journey from Wales. And it was their 12th performance in 10 days. Someone remarked how slick it was! I would also like to say that the sets and costumes still looked great despite travelling the length and breadth of the UK. And yes, Spanner, ex Northern dancer Julia Davies was the maid, beautifully performed, as always. Thank you Hertford for welcoming BTUk!
  20. You deserve better than this. Go and find another teacher and dont give up. I am so outraged by how you were treated. You should have been getting encouragement not put downs. Well done you for having the courage to go, I am just so sorry that it wasnt the good experience it should have been. Hopefully a Northern based ballet.coer can advise on a more sympathetic class!
  21. I recommend reading www.goodschoolsguide.co.uk and search for gifted and talented. It explains the schools that award Music and Dance Scheme (MDS) and also has a list of other schools that take from 11 years. Eg Italia Conti. There are many more establishments that take from post 16, frequently the subject of intense discussion on Ballet.co. I recommend letting her do Brownies instead.... Or be prepared to need copious bottles of wine, or chocolate... And start doing the lottery too!
  22. Happy to be corrected! Although I did say that the Ballet was very strong. Perhaps I should have put "known" for contemporary, certainly thats why student friends of ds chose to go there. But yes, you are right to point out that both Ballet and Contemporary are equal there, a fact that is important that people know!
  23. Yes, which is why I listed them as "other" schools. Rambert is very strong in its Ballet but is primarily contemporary. I also put that Tring and Hammond have excellent all round training. Other people can answer your question about Ballet West but I put because Ive been impressed with their graduates who have secured contracts.
  24. Well for just Ballet Id say Royal Ballet School, English National Ballet School, Elmhurst (obviously they also have contemporary etc too. ) Also Ballet West. And Central. For Ballet but also excellent all round training, Tring and Hammond . Have heard good things about Northern Ballet School too but have never had a pupil there. Other places (not specialising in Ballet) are Rambert, Laines, Bird, Millenium, Urdang and Italia Conti. I am sure others will add to the list and I am talking post 16 here.
  25. There was no booster when ds was there. But we used orange and vodafone and they werent too bad.
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